I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 13, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 1:27 pm

Is it a dragonfly?

August 11, 2006

Attack of the Planarians

Filed under: Worm Bin — JeniQ @ 1:13 pm

More planarians on the sidewalk when I got to work today!!

We counted about a dozen planarians, ranging in size from baby to 8 inches. What was most intriguing was the behavior of the worms we saw on the sidewalk as well.

Here is a close-up of one of the worms we saw. It doesn’t look like a normal worm to me. It doesn’t seem to have a clitellum. Do you know what species it is?

There were about a half dozen worms that were crawling away from the grass towards the parking lot. They were moving in a very strange manner! They seemed to have a singular focus of getting the hell away from the grass. The best way I can describe their motion and behavior is to say that they were writhing. Several of them managed to pop up off the ground as they twisted and turned their little bodies.
I captured a little bit of bad video of them crawling away, but did not get the full-featured writhing on camera.

What is going on here?

August 10, 2006

Glass Night at the Saucer

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 6:24 pm

Last night, Motsy organized a big group of people to hit the Flying Saucer for glass night. It’s 2 PM the next day and I still have a headache. 🙂

Here’s who David thought were coming, though I don’t know half of these people so I don’t know who all showed up!
Kristi & Shawn, David Mannheim & Alan Wroble, Grace Ueng, Karen Furlong and a bunch of her friends, JoAnn & Todd (maybe), Ed Holloway (maybe) & Linda, Lane Mangum & Jeff Girard, Katrin Burt, Grant Kitchin, Marie Burns and her friend.

Dave and I ended up talking with Beanie, Kandi, Karen and Allison most of the night. We got some good hoppy beers and I got my regular – The Chicken Snack with a side of wing sauce – mmmmmmm!

Good times!

August 9, 2006

Land Planarians

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:08 pm

This morning I was coming in to work and saw a worm crawling across the sidewalk. I am into vermiculture, so I did a double-take when it didn’t have a typical worm shape. A closer inspection revealed a worm-farmer’s worst nightmare – a land planarian! GROSS!

This picture shows just how long this planarian is – I photographed my toe for scale cuz I didn’t have my tape measure with me.

Here’s a second planarian, worming his way down the sidwalk.

And here’s a good close up of his head. “Strangely, the planarian’s mouth isn’t on its head but halfway down its belly.”

I found a third planarian inside the building, in a little dessicated pile of planarian slime. Yucky!

August 7, 2006

SRC Night at the Bulls Game

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 7:17 pm

A bunch of people from my company went to see the Durham Bulls play on Saturday night. Fun!

Jeni & Wool E. Bull

View from our seats

More pictures here.

Missing: One Orange Hoodie

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 6:56 pm

My trusty orange hoodie is missing. It looks like this:

Have you seen my hoodie?

Outdoors Stuff

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 5:36 pm

So, do you think this is Poison Ivy?

Methinks it might be, but if you look for pictures, it turns out that can look very different from plant to plant. I used RoundUp and killed anything that had 3 leaves.

On a lighter note, here’s a photo of our white crepe myrtle in full bloom. Pretty, huh?

August 4, 2006

People Houses

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:41 pm

Why is it that the houses I always see being moved around Raleigh are such crappy houses? I’ve seen three houses being moved on big flatbed trucks in the last few months, and all three of them have been old, run-down houses. Look at this one:

I wish I could show you a picture of what it looked like before they wrapped it in plastic, but let me assure you that it’s no palace.

Can someone explain why anyone would go to expense and trouble of moving an entire house instead of building a new one? This can’t possibly be a “historic” home. So strange.

August 3, 2006

Toad Houses

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 4:31 pm

Last night we went for a walk after dinner. It was right when it was starting to get really dark outside – perfect time for frogs!

I remembered that we had bought pots for the sole purpose of making toad houses, so I got them and used some crude tools (hammer and screwdriver) to make “doors”. I’m no engineer! I should have gotten Dave’s help.

I made two toad houses and set them out, then I rounded up a frog and shoved him in one of them to check out the accomodations. He peed a gallon of frog pee on me when I picked him up, and I think that’s how he christened his new house. He left when I went in to get the camera, so all I have is this shot of him vamoosing. See him on the left?

August 2, 2006

Another $60…

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 12:35 am

So, Sunday afternoon Dave and I went to give blood. I try to give blood regularly, but find it an uncomfortable procedure. So few people in my generation feel that giving blood is something they should do on a regular basis, and that compels me to try to give more regularly. I also used to work on the mobile Red Cross blood mobiles every summer during college. The people who work on the blood mobiles, the Red Cross phlebotomists, are pretty interesting people and I have a lot of respect for them.

Anyway, Dave hadn’t given blood in over 10 years. The last time he went, he passed out. That’s made him a bit nervous about going back. It was only under my cajoling that he went on Sunday.

No need to worry, it went fine! My guy, Peter, did a wonderful, painless job on my arm and Dave had no problems. Perhaps he’ll be inclined to go back again sometime.

After the donation, however, I did feel a little woozy and left with very low energy. The plans I had for Sunday afternoon went out the window. Instead, I went shopping! Nothing makes you feel better than spending a little dough on a favorite pastime when you’re feeling down and out, even if it’s only physically.

So, I went down to Hillsborough Street to visit Capitol Comics and Foundations Edge. I also ran in to Nice Price Books. At Nice Price Books I picked up Elfquest New Blood in hardback (full color) and several Bob Shaw paperbacks. At Capitol Comics I got Civil War 3, Wolverine Origins 4, Astonishing X-Men 13, WE3 trade, Elfquest Discovery 2-4 and a few related Civil War Marvel titles. The very helpful girl at Foundation’s Edge sold me a few more Civil War tie-ins, including a Young Avengers & Runaways tie-in.

I’m currently reading the manga Elfquest: The Grand Quest. I’m getting ready to start volume 9 so that means only a few more left until I’ve finished the series. I just recently subscribed to Astonishing X-Men, Runaways, and Wolverine Origins via Marvel online subscriptions but they haven’t started arriving yet. I think I’ve got enough to read until them. I’m also reading Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.

What got me into my latest Elfquest craze?
Here’s what I found recently in my bookshelf, with a 1983 inscription from my great-grandmother on the occasion of my birthday:

Anyway, there’s where my $60 went.

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