I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

August 17, 2006

Caterpillar Girl

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 8:49 pm

More nature news from outside my office building. Aren’t you relieved that these pictures aren’t from inside my office building? 🙂

We’ve had a number of these large, fuzzy caterpillars waltzing around outside, so today I snapped a picture. My husband complains that there’s no scale in these photos – sorry. This guy is about 2 inches long.

View a video of him on the move here. Someone should set it to music!

How you like me now?

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 1:43 pm

Steph, how’s this for dusty rose?

August 16, 2006

I don’t care what they say

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 8:54 pm

I *love* looking at my wedding pictures. Yes, it’s been 4 years but I felt like a princess that day! Maybe if I had more opportunities in a year to do that, I wouldn’t obsess, but that’s just how it is. Here, unrequested then, are some of my favorite wedding photographs.

"Her wrists were beautiful…"

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 4:33 pm

I went to the hand specialist at Raleigh Orthopaedic yesterday. I was relieved to hear that part of the numbness/tingling that I’d been feeling in my right thumb was a result of my watch! It seems that the radial nerve that passes alongside the underside of my forearm and up and over my wrist to my thumb is very sensitive, and any pressure/compression will irritate it. The doctor proved this by (unintentionally) making me cry when he lightly thumped my arm in the right spot. It’s called Wartenberg’s Syndrome.

But it seems that is not all that’s going on. He suggested that what is causing pain when I use the wrist in a hyperflexed, weight bearing situation is a ganglion cyst. He suggested an MRI to be sure, but said that I shouldn’t get the MRI if I wouldn’t consider surgery to resolve the problem. I guess I’m allowing that option because I have the MRI scheduled for Saturday.

“Her wrists were beautiful…”

Reclaiming Tuesdays!

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 4:32 pm

It was only 2 miles, but hubby and me went for a bike ride after we got home last night! Woot!

August 15, 2006

The Break-Up

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 6:40 pm

Last night we went to see The Break-Up at the $1.50 movie theatre. I love that place, even though it can be kinda sketchy after 9PM.
I really liked this movie! It was funny and I cried a little and the ending wasn’t totally predictable. I loved seeing Jason Bateman and Vincent D’Onofrio. Good job, Vince!
Watching the movie triggered these old memories of the heart-wrenching trauma I went through with old boyfriends in college. Having conversations while sobbing, shouting out irrational ultimatums, counting on girlfriends to be there for you whenever you need a shoulder to cry on. It was weird feeling all of that all over again, now that I’m in a very stable and happy relationship with my husband. Strange.

August 14, 2006

My Sweetie!

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:24 pm

Dave just IM’d me and said that we’re either going to take a bike ride tonight, or go watch a movie. We’re reclaiming those weekday evenings!! I love it!

The Saga Continues

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 8:50 pm

This morning I got a chance to see a planarian eat a worm. Totally disgusting.

#1. Planarian surrounds worm with its entire body. It secrets a digestive enzyme and starts to eat the worm with its mouth, which is located in the middle of its body.

#2. A close-up of the comingled worm and planarian. The worm is not long for this world.

#3. The planarian leaving the scene of the crime.

#4. Is the planarian’s mouth sticking out?

#5. All that’s left of the worm.

August 13, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 1:48 pm

Weird, last night there was an Adam-clone at our restaurant. Can you tell which is the real Adam Gates?

Dinner out with Granma

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 1:34 pm

Saturday night Dave, Granma, Mom & Gene went to Angus Barn to celebrate Granma’s birthday. We ate more than we could stand, starting with lots of oysters.

Here’s Granma and me after we’d stuffed ourselves:

Here’s my dinner, the 24-oz T-Bone (or was that 42-oz?)

And here’s the damage I did.

Afterwards we came home and had a fresh pot of coffee, vanilla ice cream, and a fabulous 4 layer cake that Dave made for us. Yummy!

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