I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

February 25, 2007

Hiroe loves Cayce

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 4:10 pm

Saturday = Beer

Filed under: Alcohol,Cats — JeniQ @ 2:55 pm
We hit the Carolina Brewery in Chapel Hill, and the Top of the Hill as well.

You can actually see the top of Dave’s head at Top of the Hill if you zoom in on this picture. 🙂

I, of course, hit the comic book store. Hiroe-chan was off visiting a college friend.

Dinner was a feast of grilled veggies and steak – yum!

February 24, 2007

Larry & Hiroe, Friday Night

Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 3:45 am
Our friends Larry and Hiroe came to visit us this weekend. Dave started his weekend early (after an entire week out of town on business) by picking them up at the airport, then heading to the Sawmill taproom for beers.

After I got off work, I met them at home, then we went to the Saucer for beers.


Dinner was at Irregardless Cafe downtown. Dave got this yummy tuna steak salad with avocado and grapefruit.

License Puzzles

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 3:35 am

Here are two puzzles for you. Respond by comments, please.



Famous Friends

Filed under: Ali,Books — JeniQ @ 3:21 am

My friend Alicia published a book!! How cool is that? You can buy this book here: http://tinyurl.com/2qazfy
It’s full of pretty pictures. Dave and I spent time reading it in bed the night we got it.

February 23, 2007

Dos Taquitos

Filed under: Alcohol,Art — JeniQ @ 1:07 pm
Tyra and I met for dinner on Tuesday. Yummy Mexican beers, chips and guacamole!!

Check out the art on this wall. It’s a scene that’s partly paint and partly bottle caps. Amy, I was thinking of you!

February 18, 2007

Independence, then and now

Filed under: Independence — JeniQ @ 3:02 pm
Our house in Independence, circa 1983.

The house in 2003.

Day with Kerri

Filed under: Flea Market,Kerri,Shopping — JeniQ @ 12:19 am
I met Kerri at the flea market this morning and ended up making a bit of a day of it. I bought a few purses and a few records: T.S. Elliot Reads His Poems and Robert Frost Reads His Poems.
We ate lunch, along with a bottle of wine, at Vic’s in the City Market and then perused Father & Son Antiques. I bought a nice bright green Tupperware canister there.

Now that I think about it, we should have bought a case of these. I mean, how priceless can you get? They were only $1 apiece. They’re labeled as “Squeezable Mimi Balls” but we all know what they really are. The best part is the warning label on the box: Do not hit with bat!

Friday Night out at the Mellow Mushroom

Filed under: Independence,Small World — JeniQ @ 12:05 am

Dave and I met Ele and Will for dinner on Friday night after work at the Mellow Mushroom downtown. We had a really nice time. They are very good people who are fun yet grown-up at the same time.

In a very freaky twist of fate, it turns out that Will grew up in Independence, VA and his family remembers me and my family from the time we lived there! How freaky is that?! We lived there only for a few years but it was such an impressionable time in my life, it was the happiest place of the many places of my childhood. Interestingly enough, Will remembers it as a big of a magical place, too.

Will called his dad who remembered me and my family, and there was this funny little exchange where I said “Ask him if he knows Sylvia…” and Will said “Delaney” becuause he knew who I was talking about. It’s clearly such a small town. Gordy Miniclier was Will’s dentist when he was a kid. My dad made the sign outside of his office. Will and Ele always visit Ogle’s on their way out of town for a sandwich, and my dad made that sign, too.

I will have to post some childhood pictures of my time in Independence. Will and I are the same age so we probably knew each other around 1983/84.
Read more at Ele’s blog. She also links to recent pictures of Will’s family in Idependence.

It’s funny, the older I get the smaller I see how the world can be. When I lived in Texas, I worked with this girl named Lindsay for about 8 months before we realized that we were practically neighbors. Then when we started hanging out more, we had a totally freaky realization one night that Lindsay’s soon-to-be-husband Tim’s best friend was a guy I dated in college named Moe, and Tim remembered all the letters that Moe and I exchanged. Of course, since she was dating Tim at the time, she remembered hearing about them too! Small world indeed!

February 17, 2007

Great Backyard Bird Count

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 4:35 pm

Go forth and count the birds you see!


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