I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 25, 2007

Spring Sprung!

Filed under: Landscaping,Weather — JeniQ @ 3:45 pm

Harvesting Worm Bins

Filed under: Worm Bin — JeniQ @ 2:24 pm

Saturday I spent about 7 hours harvesting my worm bins. I tried out the new harvester-screener that Sean and I had built. Here are my thoughts about the screener:

  • Castings need to be fairly dry for this to work well. I found I could achieve a good level of dryness by leaving the bins out in the sun for a little while before screening them.
  • The outside dimension of the screener was good because it fit nicely over the Rubbermaid collection tub.
  • I would like a smaller screening area. The wide screening area provided just too much room and seemed to make a larger mess.
  • I would like higher sides – again, I found myself making a mess because worm dirt kept bouncing over the sides when I shook the screener.

Sean found that the screener worked pretty well, but I think part of the reason is that he doesn’t give the worms as much “challenging” food as I do. I had plenty of undigested paperboard, squash seeds, and the woody parts of vegetables.

The other part of this story is that I decided, once I got started, that the best way to tackle my fruit fly infestation would be to start my bins over. So, I needed to separate my worms from everything, not just the castings.

I wound up with about two pounds of recovered worms from all my bins plus one pound of worms for Jenny. That doesn’t count all the worms that didn’t get separated. I have an 18 gallon Rubbermaid that is about 1/3 full of beautiful, rich castings, and another 18 gallon Rubbermaid that is about half full of partially composted food and who knows how many worms. Lastly, I have a small kitchen garbage bag about half full of partially composted food, lots of shredded paper, and more unharvested worms. I am hoping that Jenny can take this bag because I think she has a compost pile. Otherwise, it goes in the trash.

Once I harvested everything, I used the hose to pressure wash all of the parts of the bins very well. I started two new bins with lots of newly shredded, fluffy paper and half of the worms in each bin. I started both my Worm Factory bin and the OSCR Jr style bin.

March 23, 2007

Sanding project

Filed under: Crafty — JeniQ @ 10:57 am
I bought a belt sander and am using it to refinish a very old cutting board.
This is after I used the 40 grit (super coarse). I still have yet to use the medium and fine grit belts to actually make a nice, finished product.

March 22, 2007

"Eww," and "No."

Filed under: Celebs — JeniQ @ 7:40 pm

I couldn’t even post the picture.


Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 12:05 pm

Bird Cam

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 11:45 am

We have a IR camera in our bluebird house. And a few weeks ago, a pair of bluebirds started building a nest! Super cool.

Here it is about three weeks ago:

And about two weeks ago:

And just a few days ago:

March 21, 2007


Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 6:13 pm

I love getting my hair cut. Honestly, I don’t really care about the hair part, though she does a great job with it. But mostly I love the experience. The fancy salon, my fabulous girl Kim, the cool music, the wine, the conversation.

We only see each other every 10 weeks so there’s always some catching up to do, but words just spill out of me when I go to see Kim. Usually it starts off with funny anecdotes and amusing stories, then about halfway into my glass of wine, it turns to confession time. Last night I asked Kim if she minded, and she said “No, I love it!” Think about how weird that is, hearing some sort of confession 10 times a day. I wonder if there’s any books out there written by hairdressers who have catalogued all of the wacky stories they’ve heard? It does feel good letting them go, as mundane as my little secrets might be.

If you’re looking for a change of pace, try Lux Salon in Raleigh. Ask for Kim Twisdale.

This gave me a chuckle so I had to add:

[16:04] Ruth: Related to your blog post, I heard some people on the radio the other day talking about why people spill their guts to hairdressers. They theorized that because having someone touch your hair is such an intimate experience, it seems natural to open up to them.

[16:04] JeniQ: that’s interesting. and here I thought it was because of the wine. 😉

[16:04] Ruth: One person had divorced her husband because her friend overheard the hairdresser talking about the woman he was cheating with having told her about it.

[16:04] Ruth: most people’s haircuts don’t involve wine 🙂

[16:04] JeniQ: they TOTALLY should

[16:05] Ruth: how do you drink and hold your head still?

[16:05] JeniQ: i have to sneak my sips in when she’s distracted, like hunting for product or unkinking the cord on the hair dryer

March 20, 2007

Ban Smoking in Public Workplaces/Restaurants

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 2:41 pm

When Dave lived in California, I was always amazed that we could stay out all night drinking but I could still wear the same jeans the next day. That’s becuase you’re not allowed to smoke in restaurants or bars in California – it’s AWESOME!

Support a current House bill to ban smoking.

Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard, especially for North Carolina’s bar and restaurant employees. Please email your representative and ask him or her to support H259, which would ban smoking in nearly all workplaces.

Click here to show your support.

Worm Harvester – Built!

Filed under: Worm Bin — JeniQ @ 2:20 am

My clever buddy Sean and I were interested in buying or building a harverster for our worm bins. We debated buying this expensive tumbler harvester and splitting the cost, but we were reluctant.

Then I got feedback from Travis on the Worm Bin Board. Here are his comments:
I have one of the first “mini harvesters”, I don’t like it very much. Think about what you want it to do for you. The reason I don’t like it, is it can kinda beats up the worms. Just letting you know. I don’t sell my worms, so I really wouldn’t need to worry, but I really like my worms and don’t like to beat them up, they have been too, too good to me, know what I mean? I just use a sifter, with a 1/4 screen.

Sean decide that cheaper was definitely better, so he scrounged up some supplies at home (deck rails, L-brackets, and 1/4″ hardware cloth) and built a nifty little platform screener that fits neatly on top of a rubbermaid bin. You can read his post on his MySpace blog here.

I caught up with him this morning so he could donate his leftover deck rails and hardware cloth to me. I picked up some L-brackets at Lowes, and I assembled my harvester/screener tonight. Easy! I’ve got me a handy harvester! Sean tried his out tonight and he was satisfied with it. I’m going to give mine a try this weekend, when I harvest my bins and set aside starter stock for my new worm buddy, Jenny.

(By the time I got back with the camera, the cat had taken up residence on the screener.)

Funny Computer Error Messages

Filed under: Technology — JeniQ @ 2:00 am

My SysAdmin at work likes to play pranks on me because he knows I won’t totally flip my lid. I logged into my computer the other day to see this message:
Chaos reigns within. Reflect, repent and reboot. Order shall return.

Later, I learned that he had a list of messages he was going to have pop-up, but he ran out of steam when his child got the flu. This is the list:

  • Bad command or file name! Go stand in the corner.
  • Runtime Error 6D at 417A:32CF: Incompetent User.
  • File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)
  • Error: An unspecified error has occurred. Please correct the error to continue.
  • Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue.
  • FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue…
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