I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

May 2, 2007

DC Trip – Photos 4

Filed under: Travel — JeniQ @ 2:01 am

After the boat trip, we walked around Q street and had a bite to eat and some beer at the Brickskeller.

We saw the White House.
We saw the Colombian Embassy.
We saw Q Street!
Tulips were blooming everywhere in the city!

DC Trip – Photos 3

Filed under: Love,Travel — JeniQ @ 1:43 am

Here are photos from Fred and Debbie’s wedding reception cruise. We sailed on the Celebrity Yacht from the Washington Marina – it was fabulous!!
Aren’t these chocolates cute?! The M&M’s say “Fred Rules” and “Debbie Rocks.”
The happy couple, Debbie and Fred! We are so happy for them!
Fort Washington
On our way to the marina, we happened upon a few cherry trees and took an opportune photo!

DC Trip – Photos 2

Filed under: Birds,Travel — JeniQ @ 1:26 am

Our visit to the WWII memorial was very nice. It’s a very beautiful, very large memorial located between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.

So gorgeous…
The Washington Monument in the background.
Dave in front of the Pacific side of the memorial.
A red-wing blackbird – how pretty! We’ve never seen one of these before!

DC Trip – Photos 1

Filed under: Travel — JeniQ @ 1:09 am

We went to DC this weekend to celebrate Fred and Debbie’s wedding. We spent Friday night grabbing brews at Gordon Biersch. Saturday Morning we walked around the Capitol area.
We visited the National Air and Space Museum, which was awesome. Dave pilots an aircraft carrier, with one finger.
Dave standing next to an engine he worked on at GE when he was in college.
The Hubble space telescope.

I am now desparate to go to the Udvar-Hazy museum!!! They have a freaking Space Shuttle!!

April 30, 2007

Birdies are 19 Days Old

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 10:24 pm

Our bluebird babies are about 19 days old. They’re going to fledge any day now. They are so big! How can they even fit in the house together? We can’t really see all 6 of them – did we lose one?

Flower Bed Project, 4/22

Filed under: Landscaping — JeniQ @ 10:16 am
We planted some dahlia’s and mums in our back bed. We dug down deep and built up the bed using stones as a border.

We were exhausted but happy with our efforts!

April 27, 2007

Zoo Day! (People)

Filed under: Animals — JeniQ @ 2:52 am

A handsome picture of Dave, taking a rest.
Us in front of the ostrich, zebras and giraffe.
Mom and Dad with giraffes in background.

April 26, 2007

Bird Nest Update, with Videos!

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 11:01 pm

So cute!!

The poppa bird picks up mealworms from the drive-through.

The babies are excited!

April 25, 2007

Zoo Day! (Zebras, Giraffes, Ostrich, Wolf, Ocelot)

Filed under: Animals — JeniQ @ 10:42 am

More fabulous photos!

An ocelot – so beautiful.
An ostrich, and what looks to be an ENORMOUS ant hill in the distance.
Zebras with Giraffes
Say it like the British – “zehb-rah”
Red wolf, on the hunt (not really)

April 23, 2007

Zoo Day! (Big, little, cute and not cute)

Filed under: Animals — JeniQ @ 11:54 am

More zoo pictures.

A fennec fox – so teeny and cute!
An elephant! So big and cute!
A meerkat – how adorable!
A rhinocerous – not so cute.
A tortoise.

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