I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

May 26, 2007

Torturing the Cat

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 6:51 pm
Dave has a new trick. He discovered that if you properly rub this cat toy into Cayce’s belly, it stays there. Hahahahahahahaha! He walks, it jingles, LOL!

Speaking of LOLCATS, have you checked out I Can Has Cheezburger?

Friday Day

Filed under: Alcohol,Family,Meals & Food,Visitors — JeniQ @ 6:26 pm

Finally got home to visit with Eric and Amber after work. We chilled on the back porch, soaking up the sun and drinking.

Then dinner was a big grill-fest with Mom and Gene. We had tenderloins, white sweet potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, marinated shrimp, and seviche. Along with lots of wine!! Our favorite was the BV Coastal Pinot Noir. YUM.

Friday Coffee with Hannah (and Ruth)

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 3:01 pm
OK, OK, I really went to visit with Ruth, but the bonus was that she brought Hannah with her. My gosh, she is tooooooooooooo cute!

Here’s Hannah looking at me.
Here’s Hannah looking at her Mommy.

Thursday Night at the Rockford

Filed under: Family,Meals & Food,Restaurants,Visitors — JeniQ @ 2:58 pm
Yummy dinner at the Rockford, and drinks at the Hibernian afterwards.

May 24, 2007


Filed under: Alcohol,Visitors — JeniQ @ 10:55 pm

Eric and Amber are here! I picked them up at 1, and we went to lunch at Chipotle. (Yum, by the way!)

They spent the afternoon drinking beer and chilling out on the back porch. Amber caught a nap and got some QFT with the kitties.

We’re getting ready to head to the Rockford for dinner.

I took this photo of Dave and Eric having beers on the back porch. I have no friggin’ idea what happened, but it’s cool so here it is.

May 23, 2007


Filed under: Household — JeniQ @ 2:25 am
I’ve been cleaning.
I decided to steam clean the bonus and the living room in preparation for Eric and Amber’s visit. E&A have never been to visit us before, so this is exciting stuff! I want the house to look nice when they arrive. Besides that, the carpet really needed some love.

I steam cleaned the bonus and part of the living room on Sunday. I did the rest of the living room tonight, after Dave and I rearranged the furniture. I also vacuumed the furniture and the stairs.

Dave was productive on Sunday as well. He re-sisal-ed the cat tree and the scratching post, and gave the cat tree a most thorough vacuuming.

May 21, 2007


Filed under: Alcohol,Art,Friends,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 10:25 am

Saturday afternoon we went to Artsplosure! It was a cute little art festival held in downtown Raleigh. I bought some earrings from a guy who makes them out of spoons, knives and forks. Fun!
And we saw this cool owl and hawk.
Then to the Flying Saucer for dinner, and to continue drinking.

And yeah, there were some Civil War reenactors there, so we got their picture with KerBear. 🙂

Busy Saturday Morning

Filed under: Decorating,Landscaping — JeniQ @ 10:04 am

Saturday morning we went to the Farmer’s Market, and returned home with two 1-gal. Jasmines, some assorted plants for front-porch pots, and two large hanging plants for the front porch. So pretty! We also got fresh tomatoes, white “Jersey” sweet potatoes and strawberries. We got the front-porch pots and the jasmines planted on Saturday before heading downtown to Artsplosure at 4.

I also stopped by Expressions and picked out the fabric for my chair. This is not, I repeat, not my chair, but it does give a good idea of how my chair will look. Except my chair will have pink welt cord!! I’m so excited. It surprised me how much I like this fabric, but it’s a perfect match for the colors in the rug, and it won’t compete with the florals in the rug, and it’s not solid which is boring. I am very excited and hope to see my new chair in about 45 days.

May 18, 2007


Filed under: Media,Mood — JeniQ @ 1:35 am

We’ve been watching Scrubs for a while, and decided to start DVRing it a few weeks ago. It’s in heavy syndication so now we’re up to our eyeballs on the DVR and trying to watch every episode before they get deleted. It’s really such a great show. Is it bad that at the end of every episode, I end up crying?

Second Clutch

Filed under: Birds — JeniQ @ 12:33 am
Our birds have started their second nest! Indeed, I’ve been remiss in posting pictures and keeping you updated. We have five eggs in the nest now!!
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