Wednesday night The Colony movie theatre showed an original copy of The Dark Crystal. The print had lots of pops and haze in it, it was definitely an old, old copy of the movie. They even had a vintage movie poster on display, check it! Cristin decided to go with me, after agonizing over the decision. We posed in front of the poster but the stoned guy taking our picture couldn’t figure out how to focus…grumble.
But damn, aren’t we cute?!
We met for burgers and fries at Pharaoh’s before heading to the movie. I so so enjoyed meeting Cristin! She’s awesome and she loves David just as much as I do! (I’m sure Matt’s middle name is David.) We had a great time talking over dinner, and it was very relaxed and natural. The conversation flowed easily. This is the best you can get when meeting an internet friend for the first time. Yay!!! But I was totally surprised at how wee she is – look, she’s smaller than me! That just makes her more adorable. She is really too cute.
Attention Jackson Publick: I may have found the Venture Bros. original house! These enormous, insane carpets line the walls of the Colony’s movie theatre. How retro can you get? I’m sure that Rusty would think they’re so fab!
I think we should also note that the Colony serves beer! which makes it all the more fun. I can tell you that I’ll be there in November to see V for Vendetta a fourth time in the theatre. (Also this.)
Here’s us in front of the marquee. See, proof that they really were showing The Dark Crystal! You can see more pictures at Cristin’s post.
I liked the movie. I still think it’s too creepy and macabre for youngsters, and I think I was probably too young when I watched, but I liked it. And I think I know now why my brother liked it so much. I think it was the utter imagination of the whole thing, and the ballsy-ness it took to make a somewhat dramatic movie using no live actors.
I thought that the inspirations for many of the creatures were found in nature. Cristin says the Podlings were based on potatoes! The Garthim seem very much like more-mobile horseshoe crabs. There were many creatures (plants or animals, I don’t know) that seemed very inspired by coral reef denizens: the little delicate ferns that would withdraw at the slightest touch, the anemone that scuttle out of the way on the cliffside. I’d love to hear/read more on that topic.
Anyway, it was super enjoyable and I had a super great time. Yay for new friends and old movies!
Look what I saw on the way to dinner!! Read the previous post about this license plate.
Hehe, you can see my balance ball in the background – that’s my normal chair here in my office.
Another “small world” story.
I knew Dan Villanueva in college. He was in a band called Dorian Gray. I fell in love with their Morrissey-influenced music, and had a little crush on Dan, who was the cute lead singer. They even played a gig at my Grandmother’s house one summer!
I found Dan on-line this winter, and wrote him this letter. I never got a response, but it’s such a sentimental story, I share it with you now.
Hi Dan-Dan!
A funny thing happened to me the other day. I was listening to The Postal Service “Give Up” and for some reason, I had a flashback memory of Dorian Gray. Something about the music I was listening to jiggled a memory that was 13 years old, and make me want to pop in my Dorian Gray tape to live in the past. I got to work a few minutes later and opened my email. I found this funny little message that slipped past the spam filter. When I saw that, I thought it must be a sign. Then I found your site and wow, you’re still working with Keith on Astropop3! I am so proud of you! I listened to some of the clips and it sounds like you’ve been true to your influences. And your own label, how cool is that? When I found your website, I looked through my boxes in the attic and found a stack of your letters. I have scanned a few pictures I found. I thought you’d get a kick out of them. [Here’s a clipping from the newspaper and a photo of DG playing on Granma’s back porch.]
I also found a photo of my college dorm room. You can see the Dorian Gray poster hanging proudly in my room. I wonder where that poster went?
I hope you are doing well. You look good, more grown-up than the skinny kid I knew. 🙂 I, too, have grown up! You can check me at out at my silly little blog: jeniq.blogspot.com. It’s pretty random stuff. I’ll attach a recent picture, too. It’s nice to find you are alive and well. I hope you’re happy.
Sunday morning was breakfast and then a few hours by the pool before meeting Mom and Gene at Fishmongers for a big lunch. Yummy!
We had several rounds of beers, several pounds of shrimp, a dozen steamed oysters and a dozen steamed clams, a pound of steamed crab claws, some broccoli, limas and corn, and two orders of onion rings. Mom and Gene and I each had two oyster shooters, which were quite tasty. Vince couldn’t be convinced to try one. 😉
Both Gene and Vince worked on this steamed oyster for 20 minute until they finally got the little cuss open. Gene said it was mighty tasty.
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