I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 13, 2007

Thank you, Iceland!

Filed under: Media — JeniQ @ 7:59 pm

This is cracking me up:

July 12, 2007

We’re falling through space, you and me.

Filed under: Doctor Who — JeniQ @ 1:40 am
I’ve just started watching Season 3 of Doctor Who. In the first two episodes we’re introduced to Donna, who is largely annoying and so not deserving of The Doctor’s company. Why did he even ask her? Was he that lonely? Then in episode two we meet Martha, the new Companion. I guess she’ll do, though we know, and The Doctor tells her as such, that she’s no replacement for Rose.

It made me think of this fabulous review I read of Doomsday, the final episode of Season 2. It’s posted on Television Without Pity and it’s written by someone fabulolus named Jacob.

Here’s the letter I sent to Jacob:

I read several of your recap pages from this episode, Doomsday. Reading your post, I found myself crying, sobbing! It was so true. You said: “I don’t care to do the math and I don’t know how to say this without coming across just ridiculous, and I am slightly drunk, but I mean: Rose Tyler. On every single page. I know this girl, and she’s gone, forever, and tonight I really miss her. I wish today were just like every other day. My Rose. You were fantastic.”

I, perhaps, have also had too much wine, but I agree with this wholeheartedly. It’s so funny to me that I feel like I’ve lost the doctor. Duh. He’s not gone. But I guess I’m feeling how Rose feels. That’s how I’m feeling after watching Doomsday.

Jacob was kind enough to respond and act flattered!

July 9, 2007

Super Fabulous Simon Prebble Post/Comment

Filed under: Simon Prebble — JeniQ @ 12:52 am

YAY!! Simon Prebble commented on my blog, again, this time declaring himself a little more plainly. Read it here. Thanks for the comment, I feel extra special and a little bit famous. 🙂


Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 12:00 am
Tonight we made mini turkey burgers for dinner. Each burger was about silver dollar sized, seasoned and cooked on the grill. They were served on party potato rolls and topped with a spinach leaf, a slice of roma tomato, a slice of Vidalia onion and a strip of fresh grilled sweet orange pepper.

Tasty and cute!

July 8, 2007

Harry Potter-thon

Filed under: Cats,Cristin,Friends,Harry Potter,Party — JeniQ @ 11:26 pm

Cristin invited me over for a 12 hour Harry Potter movie watching party on Saturday. I missed the first movie but arrived at 3 PM for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. After that we watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and then Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was a very nice, intimate party. It’s gotten me excited for the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

I got to meet Kelli and Jamie, both very sweet girls, as well as Matt, who seemed nice and kept out of our way while we chatted and drank.

Kelli and Cristin really outdid themselves gettting ready for the party. Ele would have been impressed! Kelli was even wearing Gryffindor colors. 🙂

  • Wands – Pretzles coated with dark and white chocolate
  • Polyjuice Potion – Grape juice, sprite and vodka
  • Hogwarts Cake – Castle-shaped cake filled with cream
  • Gryffindor Jello Shots – Both yellow and burgundy jello shooters (quite strong!)

I brought some Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans and they were a hoot to try! Cristin’s blog linked to to some funny photos on her Flickr album. I also got some good snuggles with Lily, Cristin’s adorable kitty. (I promise I didn’t take her home with me!)

July 7, 2007

Kitten Videos

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 9:54 pm

Me snorgling with all three cats:

Kitties being kittens:

Ele’s Fourth of July Party!

Filed under: Ele,Party — JeniQ @ 9:34 pm

Ele was super-smart and hosted a Fourth of July party on the Tuesday night before the fourth. She sent out these adorable handmade invites and her party was no let-down.

Ahh, I love hot dogs, so her hotdog bar was a perfect treat!
The whole spread was quite nice, very delectable!! Those fruit parfaits were amazing!!
Our hosts, Will and Ele! Thanks for the great party, guys!

New I-540

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 9:27 pm

A view of I-540/NC-540 from the air (taken from the south side of the airport).

Adorable Kitten Photos

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 9:15 pm

Gracie, hiding in a box.
Dad found a perfect napping companion in Marmalade.
Mom and Gracie, being lovey.
Me with all three kittens. Gracie, Shadow and Marmalade.
Pile of cats.

Luau Party Pictures

Filed under: Cleveland,Family,Holidays,Party — JeniQ @ 9:05 pm

Photos from the Luau at Mom and Dad’s.

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