My favorite new site, check it out.
September 4, 2007
August 31, 2007
From the David Bowie news page. I am kind of totally psyched about this. Maybe the album more so than the movie. Conjures up nostalgic memories of my dark, depressed high school days…
If I Can’t Control My Destiny
Like many of the musicians of his generation (and beyond) with anything worth saying, Ian Curtis, late singer of Joy Division and subject of new movie, Control, was clearly a huge fan of the work of David Bowie.
The Control OST album, due via Warner on October 3rd, includes three Bowie compositions: Iggy Pop‘s version of Sister Midnight (Bowie/Pop/Alomar) and two Bowie originals: Drive In Saturday (Bowie) and Warszawa (Bowie/Eno).
In fact, Warszawa was the track that inspired Joy Division’s first name, Warsaw.
Additionally, the film itself utilises The Jean Genie to superb effect (please excuse low quality grab below) when the teenage Curtis is shown miming barechested to the song in front of his bedroom mirror.
Curtis, who hanged himself aged 23 in May 1980 while The Idiot played on his turntable, is portrayed brilliantly throughout the film by actor Sam Riley. Likewise, the lonely figure of the tragic singer’s wife, Deborah Curtis, played by Samantha Morton.
Control is the feature length debut of photographer/director Anton Corbijn who was responsible for the best known and more memorable images of Ian Curtis and Joy Division…and he’s taken some pretty impressive pictures of David Bowie too, for that matter.
I’ll leave you with the tracklisting for the Control OST album, which is just about as cool as the movie that The Independent newspaper has already dubbed “The coolest British movie of 2007”.
- Exit – New Order
- What Goes On – The Velvet Underground + Ian Dialogue
- Shadowplay (Joy Division cover) – The Killers
- Boredom (Live) – The Buzzcocks
- Dead Souls – Joy Division + Rain, Beginning of Dialogue
- End of Dialogue + She Was Naked – Supersister
- Sister Midnight – Iggy Pop
- Love Will Tear Us Apart – Joy Division
- Problems (Live) – Sex Pistols
- Bernard/Ian Dialogue + Hypnosis – New Order + Ian Dialogue
- Drive In Saturday – David Bowie
- Evidently Chickentown – John Cooper Clarke
- 2HB – Roxy Music
- TV Dialogue + Transmission (Cast Version) – Joy Division
- Car Noises + Autobahn – Kraftwerk
- Ian/Debbie Dialogue + Atmosphere – Joy Division
- TV Dialogue + Transmission (Cast Version) – Joy Division
- Warszawa – David Bowie
- Ian Dialogue + Get Out – New Order
Keep an eye on the official Control website which will start transmission soon and will include reviews and pictures from the Edinburgh premiere, and new content including exclusive clips, script excerpts, music, information on advance screenings and lots more.
August 29, 2007
Farewell to Emma
My friend Lindsay let me know sad news today. Sweet, sweet Emma lost her battle with a brain tumor.
She was such a sweet dog and I loved her so. When I would visit Lindsay, she would sleep on the bed with me until she got so hot she couldn’t stand it. Sometimes she’d sleep outside my door, protecting me from intruders.
She will be missed by her family, Lindsay, Tim, Max and Fred.
August 25, 2007
Family Photos
Jeni and Dawn – aren’t we cute?
Jonathan (my brother) and Jeni
Dave and Jeni
Nolan is a HAM
Nolan and Jonah, sacked out in the car
Jonah and his iPhone
Jonah loves his Uncle Dave
August 22, 2007
On order! Though I’m not sure which color temples I got, so I included a picture of both.
I know that ‘rents read my blog, so I’m sorry but I’ve just got to say it.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
My trusty, sexy spaceship-navigator glasses broke this morning. The temple just snapped like it was made of spun sugar. They’re about 4 years old, so they’ve certainly seen their share of wear and tear. But there was no indication they were unhappy or had a fault line ready to rip open. Just “pink” and that was it. Honestly, there wasn’t even any noise.
And what lovely timing.
August 19, 2007
Ziggy Stardust
This cover from the Ziggy Stardust Cover Contest really shows how the cover relates to the scene now. Apologies for not giving props to whoever created this – it’s not listed on the site that I could fine. Hi-C, thanks for pointing this out to me!!
So, while in England Alba and I visited the site where the photo for the cover of the Ziggy Stardust album was taken.
It took us a bit of time to find it. We were wandering around holding the picture above, squinting at all the building facades, when a helpful passerby said “It’s over there.” I think he worked there and must have been used to seeing people hunt for this landmark.
This is from the end of the street. You can see the site on the right-hand side of the street. On the building at the end of the street (which is The Living Room), note the wood framing over the first floor and the side-by-side rectangular windows at the top of the building. You can see those very clearly in the album cover. Strangely enough, what Graham told me didn’t really jibe with what we saw – the site does not really appear to be part of the building that houses The Living Room.
Here is a sideway view of the building, looking to the right corner. It’s not clear which doorway the picture was taken from.
Looking down the street from the far corner of the building. The picture was taken further down the building, but all of the markers, the light, the K.West sign, the boxes, are all gone.
So, we found it! With the restaurants that lined the entire street all filled with patrons, it was impossible to get in to the actual site, but we got close!! It was fun to have a mission to accomplish, and satisfying to have accomplished it. I probably should have taken more pictures, but I’m happy with what I got.
August 17, 2007
Meet Nick Turpin
So, on my flight home I intended to get in about 6 solid hours of HP Book 7. That didn’t happen, due to my interesting seat neighbor.
Nick is a professional photographer who splits his time between London, France, and wherever the jobs take him. He’s got an unique outlook on life and seems to both send and receive information from a different perspective. I certainly didn’t mind that he stole my Harry time from me.
His hobbies are quite varied and he makes for an interesting conversationalist. (Plus, he’s met David Bowie. It’s like I’m that much closer to living my dream.) He didn’t make too many enquiries into my life, which I hold as the most important skill of any talented conversationalist, but I think that was probably appropriate, seeing as how we were perfect strangers and it could be construed as creepy to do so. He was a perfect gentleman, even letting me eat off his plate. It was really a lovely trip.
I have rudely stolen two images from his site to post here. I strongly encourage you to check all of them out yourself. You will appreciate his sense of humor, I think. Also, give his iN-PUBLiC street photography website a look.
(Note: If you are on low bandwith and/or your monitor resolution is at or lower than 1024 x 768, find another computer for your visit to Nick’s site.)
A Camera in the Tate: An exploration of the relationship between people and art at London’s Tate Gallery.
Trading Life: Street photography from the Financial District of London.
Still waiting for the books I requested from the library. It’s been almost one month since I requested them. The audio book is taking longer than the book book. I’ve moved from #367 to #234 for the audio book, but from #1195 to #186 for the book.
Since I’ve both read the book and listened to it, I think I’ll remove myself from the list now. 🙂
August 16, 2007
Punting down the River Cambridge
While Alba and I were in Cambridge, we toured several of the Colleges of Cambridge, including St. John’s, Trinity, Kings’, Queens’, and Clare College.
A very fun thing to do in Cambridge is to punt down the river. We couldn’t have asked for better weather. It was sunny, mid-70s and simply gorgeous. Alba rented a punt from her alma mater, Clare, and punted us the whole way. The river was quite crowded.
Alba did such a good job! It’s a rather difficult thing to do. According the the guide book, “no one else knows what they’re doing, either.” You can hire professionals to guide you down the river, but what’s the fun in that?
It was wonderful to be in the boat, gently rocking, feeling warm under the sun and getting to take in all the sights along the Cambridge River. I could have fallen asleep, laying there.
The Bridge of Sighs (St. John’s College)