Don’t forget to set your DVR to catch David Bowie on SpongeBob this weekend!

From BowieNet (October 5th):
Above is the very handsome and really rather important Lord Royal Highness, special guest star of upcoming SpongeBob SquarePants episode: SpongeBob’s Atlantis SquarePantis.
Apparently, when David Bowie was first shown preliminary sketches of LRH, he exclaimed: “That’s great, I wish I had dreamt up that look back in 1974!”.
One nod Lord Royal Highness makes to the real life Bowie is the subtle touch of one green eye and one blue, though, as David has been at pains to point out in the past, his are not actually different colours.
Anyway, we’ve been telling you about this episode since David Bowie first expressed his excitement in his online journal, (exactly a year ago) at being given the opportunity to voice the part of LRH. (10.05.2006 NEWS: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS IN NEW BOWIE JOURNAL)
As you know, (05.21.2007 NEWS: ATLANTIS SQUARE PANTS TO AIR IN NOVEMBER) SpongeBob’s Atlantis SquarePantis airs on the eleventh of next month, (more detail of broadcast schedule nearer the time) with the DVD of this episode being made available, in North America at least, just two day later on the 13th.
Aside from the DVD there are already a couple of books available relating to this episode, (that’s one on the right, above) not to mention a plethora of games for pretty much every gaming platform, on sale from the end of the month.
As the man himself said in aforementioned journal: “Watch out. Or at least watch.”