Some movies we watched over the holiday weekend.
Ah, Oskar Werner and Julie Christie. I remember watching this movie in Junior High after reading the book. In a generation, they’ll be able to watch the remake. Sad, they’ll miss out on all the wonderful campyness of the original.
Sadly, the dialogue is a bit tough to understand in some places because of the thick accents. But Oskar is a hottie! I like it. If you know me, you’d know I’d like it. I’d definitely recommend if you’re a sci-fi or bad movie buff like me. But if you can’t take high camp and you’re no fan of futuristic, dystopian tales, avoid.

Adorable chick-flick style movie with no weeping involved. Meg Ryan and Tim Robbins are an oh-so-cute, if unlikely, couple. And even though the first time I saw Walter Matthau in his “Einstein” makeup I thought it very unrealistic, he had me thoroughly convinced of his character by the end of the movie. Really cute, PG movie. Plus, it has Stephen Fry in it! Recommend!

I’d never seen this one before, so I kept expecting something really awful to happen. Nothing ever did! It’s amazing the pace of the movies made just 30 years ago. Audiences today would never put up with a very slow-paced movie with such a simpleplot line, I don’t think. We also wouldn’t put up with that horrible acting! I don’t say that because I didn’t like the movie – it was cute. But the acting was really bad. Is that because the actors themselves were bad, or because of sensibilities back when the movie was made? I don’t know. Anyway, would recommend as a family-friendly movie or for kids. Amazon has a nice review.

*Sigh* I love Will Ferrell, and it’s so wonderful to see his depth of character in this movie. Dave and I both really liked Maggie Gyllenhaal in Happy Endings, and it was nice to see her again. Something about the romantic parts of the movie reminded me of Dave and I, too, so it was really fun to watch. I give this movie 5 stars! Plus, it has Tony Hale and Queen Latifah in it! Rent it this weekend if you haven’t already seen it!

Inspired by our first Will Ferrell sighting, we watched this for a second time. Oh man, this movie is non-stop laugh-out-loud funny. Ferrell and Heder do a great job, and you gotta love the off-screen married couple of Will Arnett and Amy Poehler in some of the most fabulous costumes known to professional ice skating. If you haven’t seen this movie, rent it. Now. …What are you waiting for?