A few days ago, Cayce started stalking the freezer. Very weird behavior but he’s a little weirdo so I was like, *shrug*, whatever dude. Then Billy started stalking the freezer, too. Then they alternated between stalking the freezer and the pantry. We’ve had our problems with mice in the garage, so it’s not too far fetched to think we might have a mouse in the house, especially with how cold it’s been recently.
On Wednesday when I left for work, Cayce was pawing at the pantry door so I thought I’d placate him and I left the pantry door open.
When Dave got home from work, he found some of the contents of the pantry shelves scattered about on the floor. After a bit of poking around (and having Cayce help) Dave found a mouse in the pantry!! He managed to trap him under a tupperware until I got home.

We put him in the same bucket we’ve used before and he jumped right over the side and freed himself! We had to chase him around most of the first floor before recapturing him and getting him back in the bucket, more securely this time. His athleticism and determination is what earned him his 12 oz. mouse title.
This weekend, we’re tearing apart the pantry and see who else we can find in there. Cayce was pawing at the door again this morning. *Sigh*