I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 26, 2012

Lotso Love

Filed under: Linus,Love — admin @ 10:42 pm

Look who stole my Teddy bear.



January 7, 2012

Christmas Cards

Filed under: Decorating,Holidays — admin @ 10:35 pm


I am so excited! I think I have finally found the perfect solution for how to display the many wonderful Christmas cards we receive each year.  The refrigerator! It is a great way to enjoy them for a while and it means we’ll revamp our fridge pictures at least once a year.  I am excited about having a new tradition in our house.  What do you do with the cards you receive?

December 25, 2011

Granma Q and the boys

Filed under: Granma,Henry,Linus — JeniQ @ 8:25 pm

Granma Q and Henry

Granma Q and Linus

Pictures from our recent trip to Virginia Beach to celebrate Christmas with Granma. We love you and miss you already!!

December 24, 2011

Christmas dinner

Filed under: Holidays — admin @ 7:07 pm


Beef tips from the Meat House.  Amazing Brussels sprouts with bacon and apple.  Yeast rolls courtesy of Granma Q!  Happy Christmas! Xoxo!

December 23, 2011

All prepped

Filed under: Holidays — admin @ 11:17 pm


Stockings are all stuffed.  Gifts are wrapped and Santa’s presents are all dropped off. I think we are ready to go!

Christmas eve

Filed under: Holidays — admin @ 9:08 pm


Henry with the plate we prepared for Santa.  So cute!

(We are celebrating a day early due to scheduling problems.)

December 12, 2011

Linus by the tree

Filed under: Holidays,Linus — admin @ 6:49 pm




Some quick pictures I snapped of Linus in the mall. (Mostly I’m just testing blogging from my phone. 🙂

October 10, 2011

2011 Fall Update

Filed under: Family,Henry,Linus — JeniQ @ 2:31 pm

I’m busy so the blog doesn’t get a lot of attention. So sorry! I have about 10 free minutes so I’m going to try to get out an update. If you get this, that means I was successful!

Linus is now 1 and a half years old! He is doing great. He is very happy and healthy, and the trauma and drama of his first year seems like a distant memory. In the “awesome news” department, we went to see the Orthopedic surgeon recently to check out Linus’s hip, and he said that Linus is doing great and won’t need to be seen for a year. Yay!!! The only other thing on his medical horizon is the recent confirmation that he is allergic to eggs. In addition, we also found out that he’s allergic to nuts, tree nuts, dogs and cats. Other than a few colds this summer and some bouts with teething pain, he has been very healthy. His stats from his 18 month check up:

  • Weight: 26# 13 oz
  • Height: 32.5″
  • Head: 18.25″

He is happy and smiley and he loves to dance and play peek-a-boo. He is fairly stubborn and will throw a long fit if not given his way. We stopped the bottle at 16 months and now he’s fully transitioned to table food. He’s finally started eating fruits, which is exciting for me. He has lots of words and will follow instructions. He will helpfully throw things in the trash can and put away his dirty laundry. He loves to play outside and go for walks. He loves trains and cars and dogs and cats. He always tries to do what Henry is doing. He loves to snuggle on the couch watching Sesame Street. He is obsessed with Elmo. He is really a terrific little guy and we’re having a great time getting to know him better. We think he’s pretty awesome.

Henry is now 3 and a half years old. He is just amazing. He is really starting to mature and is having less of the behavior problems we saw around 3YO. He takes very good care of his brother and watches out for him. He is a fluent speaker and expresses himself very well. He knows so many things, and everyday learns more. He is counting well and learning all of his numbers and letters. He is a very sociable child and plays well with the other children in his class. He is a good listener and helps around the house with daily chores. He loves watching TV and he is still fascinated by the Cars movie. His favorite toys are his wooden train set and his Lego’s. He’s been to a few movies, taken a real train ride, ridden a cruise boat up the Elizabeth river and just recently got to spend an impromptu hour at the beach. We think he’s pretty awesome, too.

Dave is doing good as well. He’s coming up to speed in his new job and keeping very busy. I’m doing well at work, though it seems like I’m out half the time with sick kids. We try to stay focused on the important things like making time to have fun with the kids and each other. We recently got to see Wilco and Nick Lowe in concert, and we also celebrated our 9th anniversary. Simply put, we’re happy.

July 25, 2011

Linus: 15+ Months

Filed under: Linus — JeniQ @ 10:37 pm

Linus went in recently for his 15 month checkup. He’s doing great.

  • Weight: 25# 2oz (53rd %)
  • Height: 31.125″ (66th %)
  • Head: 18 1/2″ (53th %)

This kid is amazing. He is a tank. He is unstoppable. He no longer takes no for an answer. He is a tough kid, not letting most accidents get him down. He is happy and sweet and loving. He loves to follow his brother around, and he loves to chase Cayce the cat.

Oh, did I mention, he’s walking?

Which started out a few weeks earlier as this:

What he’s saying: kitty cat, more, up.

What he’s doing: walking, climbing, eating with a spoon (so messy!), laughing, watching tv, reading books *to* us, knocking down towers, pointing out very small things in the sky.

Vegas Trip

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Travel — JeniQ @ 9:43 pm

I recently had to go to Las Vegas for a work trip. My best girlfriends met up with me and we got to hang out when I wasn’t working. It was so totally awesome!

We stayed at the Cosmopolitan, which is amazingly luxurious. We spent our free time at the pool and wandering the various bars in the hotel. The girls were good humans and took a nice, long walk each morning, stopping to get us affordable food from somewhere outside of the hotel. I didn’t. I laid in bed as much as possible.

I am actually happy to say I didn’t leave the hotel until my conference was over. Our flight was at 6 AM the next morning, so we planned a 4 AM departure. Going to sleep seemed silly, so we walked the strip, gambled away some money, and ate a wonderful meal at midnight. It was the best. I love you, ladies.

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