I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 29, 2009

Love in Bloom Maternity – Now Open!

Filed under: Ele,Shopping — JeniQ @ 11:28 pm

Love in Bloom

Saturday night, Dave, Henry and I went to the grand opening of Ele’s new store, Love in Bloom Maternity. It was a fabulous affair, like all of Ele’s parties.

Pregnant? You should check out the loads of fabulous clothes and accessories they carry!

July 28, 2008

Kids Exchange

Filed under: Shopping — JeniQ @ 12:35 pm

Wow. That’s the only word I can use to describe Kids Exchange, a huge consignment sale held twice a year at the Fairgrounds. It’s immense and there is so much for sale!

I went on Thursday (on a seller’s pass) and got a high chair and an Exersaucer for us and a pack n’ play and a car seat base for my mom. Then mom and I returned on Sunday for half-price day and bought a whole bunch of clothes and books and miscellaneous stuff for cheap.

Here’s a list of what we got and how much we paid:

  • High Chair – $20
  • Exersaucer – $17
  • Pack and Play – $12
  • Car Seat Base – $7
  • Full-size Graco Stroller – $8
  • Fold-up “umbrella” stroller – $7
  • A dozen books and over 20 outfits, plus misc stuff (57 items total) – $92

Books, bibs, toys, socks, dishwasher baskets, baby gym, safety equipment, hat with mittens

clothes, clothes, jigsaw puzzles, and more clothes
And did you see the awesome Browns onesie and pants we scored? What an exciting find!

May 10, 2008

I have clothes!!

Filed under: Shopping — JeniQ @ 8:35 pm

This week I finally tackled the big project I’d been putting off – cleaning up my closet. I had taken bags of clothes into the attic as I grew out of them during my pregnancy, and I wanted to reintegrate them back into my closet. I also wanted to purge pregnancy stuff that I was done with and purge “clubbing clothes” that I didn’t think I’d wear again now that I’m a mom. Purging the clubbing clothes isn’t a huge hit to the budget as they’re all cheap skimpy tops picked up at Rave and Deb. When I want to go clubbing again, I’ll replace them with hot tops from a grown-up store.

Here’s the midst of the chaos. The bathtub was even filled with clothes.
Piles of clothes

Anyway, it turns out that I have a ton of clothes!! I was so happy to discover that I own lots of fabulous, cute clothes. What’s more, I fit into nearly half of them! It’s mostly the pants that are too small, so I still plan on getting a few pairs of nice fitting pants, but sweet hallelujah! There is a huge pile of stuff to give away, a small pile of stuff that I’ll fit into relatively soon, and a slightly larger pile of stuff I’ll fit into by the time Henry’s one.

Here’s the finished view (my stuff’s on the left and bottom rails):
Organized closet

For the past two days, I’ve worn outfits that I’m happy to say I felt cute in. 🙂

December 12, 2007


Filed under: Babies,Shopping — JeniQ @ 8:40 am

I spent the weekend trying to get our registries in order. I was surprised at how long it took. I spent lots of time learning all about the different brands and options and trying to read product reviews as well. With the help of Baby Bargains and Parents Baby Gear, along with the InterWebs and sneaking a peak at Ele’s registries, I think we’re in pretty good shape.
We’re now registered at Babies-R-Us, Target and MyRegistry.com. All you parents out there, please let me know if I’ve missed something important or registered for something really, really dumb. I’ve never done this before. 🙂

December 4, 2007

New and New

Filed under: Gifties,Shopping — JeniQ @ 3:10 pm

Look at my adorable new earrings and my adorable new top. Cristin made these earrings herself and gave them to me for my birthday!
And I got the top in the Junior’s clearance section at Belk. Why the kids these days want to look pregnant is beyond me, but it works out in my favor!


November 19, 2007


Filed under: Shopping — JeniQ @ 4:14 pm


The perfect sentimental t-shirt.

October 4, 2007


Filed under: Holidays,Shopping — JeniQ @ 4:43 pm

Taken September 17th at BJs and Lowe’s. Honestly, people.

Xmas Trees

Xmas Aisle Lowes

Xmas Aisles

October 3, 2007

New Glasses

Filed under: Cute,Shopping — JeniQ @ 9:09 am

I got my new glasses while I was in Austin. Yay!!!

I really like them. They fit great (once I got the stems adjusted) and look nice, I think.

You might notice designs in the top and bottom corners of my glasses. They’re “tattoos” and I quite like them. They don’t get in the way of my vision at all.

 Glasses Detail

Yay for being able to see!

August 22, 2007


Filed under: Shopping — JeniQ @ 9:39 pm

On order! Though I’m not sure which color temples I got, so I included a picture of both.



June 26, 2007

Food and Happiness

Filed under: Alcohol,Meals & Food,Mood,Shopping — JeniQ @ 1:26 am

With Dave gone, I think I’m a little down and less motivated. I haven’t been very inclined to cook for myself, which I have managed to do in the past when he’s gone. On the way home I knew I had to stop at the grocery if I was going to have any chance of eating a decent meal over the next few days. On spur of the moment, I stopped at Earthfare to get my groceries tonight. I figure I’ve been stress-eating lately, I’d be more productive if I stress-bought!

Here is proof of Dave’s theory that “organic” is code for more expensive.

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