I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 20, 2008


Filed under: Restaurants — JeniQ @ 9:33 pm

For the past two Fridays, we’ve had dinner at Azitra, the upscale Indian restaurant at Brier Creek. There’s not too long of a wait and the food is so yummy.

I’ve been eating off the appetizer menu so I can get smaller portions – a favorite is the allo tikki.
Allo Tikki

Plus, they have a live sitar player which was fabulous, though his sets were pretty short.
Sitar Player

May 28, 2007

Flying Saucer, again

Filed under: Alcohol,Family,Kerri,Restaurants,Visitors — JeniQ @ 1:18 am

After the flea market, we had to hit the Flying Saucer. We met Kerri there and had beers, beers, beers, and some lunch.

Aren’t Kerri and I cute?!!?!?
And then there was our waitress (in the picture below, on the left). While we were there, her dad and what appeared to be her grandparents showed up to sit in her section and have a quick beer (not pictured). After they left, she had a really funny conversation with us about how mortified she is that her family comes to visit her at work. She said that she knew they were coming, so she wore her “least slutty” outfit, the longest skirt she owned. There were many funny, funny parts to this conversation, but the funniest for me was when Dave said to her, “So, how does your dad feel about …” and she responded “My outfit?” I think he was going to ask her about her job, but she got right to the point and nailed the question all of us were wondering about. It was the high point of our Saucer visit – we laughed mightily.

She also hit up her dad for her semester’s tuition of $400 because she did well in school the previous semester. As he left, her dad was waffling about whether and how he would pay her.
She’s cute, and sweet, and putting herself through college, so if this is your Flying Saucer waitress, tip her well!!

May 26, 2007

Thursday Night at the Rockford

Filed under: Family,Meals & Food,Restaurants,Visitors — JeniQ @ 2:58 pm
Yummy dinner at the Rockford, and drinks at the Hibernian afterwards.

May 16, 2007

Sunday Brunch to Celebrate Ele’s Birthday

Filed under: Birthday,Ele,Meals & Food,Restaurants — JeniQ @ 11:02 am

Ele sweetly invited Dave and I to her birthday brunch on Sunday (Mother’s Day). We went to Humble Pie. She had cute little seating cards for all of us and was dressed in her fabulous new dress. She’s such a cute girlie-girl!

It’s been ages since I had brunch at Humble Pie, and it was tasty! We had a really nice time. We got to talk with Will’s mom and her husband, Will and Ele, Will’s little sister, and Molly and Matthew. We couldn’t really hear the rest of the table. I enjoyed talking with Molly and Matthew, they seem like a sweet couple. I learned that Molly sometimes reads my blog, so a shout out to you, Molly! 🙂

March 15, 2007

Tuesday Dinner

Filed under: Restaurants,Tyra — JeniQ @ 2:14 am

Dinner again with Tyra on Tuesday, this time at Shaba Shabu. Yummy!!

March 2, 2007

Cafe Kado

Filed under: Restaurants — JeniQ @ 2:13 pm

A nice little coffee shop around the corner from my office. They have your standard coffee drinks plus Pocky, edamame and wakeme salad. The service is a bit slow but it’s a nice, family-owned store and I like being able to get a decent vegetable for lunch.

February 9, 2007

Girls Night Out

Filed under: Meals & Food,Restaurants,Tyra — JeniQ @ 6:35 pm

Tyra and I met for dinner Thursday night at Mura in North Hills. Tasty!

We had a really nice time chatting, girl talk and soul spilling and all of that.

January 26, 2007

Friday Night – Visitors and Homebodies

Filed under: Amy,Entertainment,Restaurants — JeniQ @ 11:03 pm
Dave and Amy both got home on Friday afternoon. I was so happy to see him! And it was great having Amy here, too. Friday night we went to early dinner at the Rockford. Yummy, though I think they changed the recipe for the Canellini, which is my favorite sandwich.

After coming home, Amy and I started a puzzle and stayed up til the wee hours talking, drinking, and puzzling.

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