May 6, 2007
Saturday – BodyWorlds and Flying Saucer
May 2, 2007
DC Trip – Photos 3
Here are photos from Fred and Debbie’s wedding reception cruise. We sailed on the Celebrity Yacht from the Washington Marina – it was fabulous!!Aren’t these chocolates cute?! The M&M’s say “Fred Rules” and “Debbie Rocks.”
The happy couple, Debbie and Fred! We are so happy for them!
Fort Washington
On our way to the marina, we happened upon a few cherry trees and took an opportune photo!
April 4, 2007
January 12, 2007
Poll for all you marrieds out there
Ok, this isn’t just for married people. If you think you might get married in the future, you might have an opinion on this too. It’s a quick and easy poll, just post a comment and let me know what you think.
If you’re married, do you leave your wedding ring (not your engagement ring, ladies) on all the time, or do you take it off sometimes? If you take it off, what for?
Jeni: I never take off my wedding ring.
Dave: Dave takes off his wedding ring at night or whenever he’s cooking or washing the dishes.
Can’t wait to see what everyone says!