I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 9, 2009

License Plates 1Q09

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 10:08 pm

Apparently it’s been a while because I had all of these saved up on my camera.


My personal favorite:


I could think of better presents, but I’m sure it was important at the time.


Not as clever.

Another proud geek.

Don’t you mean “Native American”?

Dunno about this one…

This one also has me perplexed.

And I’m happy I’m behind this person.

Use the Reply box below to add your suggestions!

June 15, 2008

License Plates

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 8:48 am

Apparently it’s been a while because I have a bunch of license plates built up on my camera. Here they are for your enjoyment. I need some help figuring some of these out.

Maybe owns the Sunflowers deli?

Why favor Y2K, I wonder?

Fitting, in light of our new Baby D

Rebirth, cleverly spelled with a “1”

“SIMAK” means…what?

An underwater photographer?

A fan of poker!

Again I am stumped

Someone who drinks a little too much coffee, perhaps?

No idea on this one, either

Clever twist on the fast car’s name

An extra treat, a funny bumper sticker!
Republicans for Voldy

Not a fun license, but a browns fan in a car that appears to have been painted with a lovely after-market orange color

February 6, 2008

Have you noticed?

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 8:04 am

It’s light out when you drive home from work! Spring must be approaching!!

No longer dark

For Ele

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 8:02 am

Who I think attended ECU.


January 18, 2008

License Plates

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 10:34 am

I have a few more but they’re saved in a different location, so here are my recent ones.

Boston Lager
A big Sam Adams fan?

Jet Blue?
I thought this was “Gette Blue” (like “Jet Blue”) but Dave disagrees. What do you think?
Note: I typically do anonymous stuff when possible, but thought leaving in the back shot of the lady owner might help shed some light on the mystery. As it is, you still can’t see her face.

Where Am I?
Heh. Don’t follow this person!

December 23, 2007

Funny Car Things

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 3:46 pm

Funny license plate

Funny message on dump truck

December 9, 2007


Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 10:20 am

Is that even a word? Apropros to my previous post, some religious license plates for your viewing pleasure.


This one had a very large “Jesus is the Beginning and End” sticker on the back window with alpha and omega symbols.

I have very strong feelings against proselytizing. I had some very bad experiences in college that really put me off having open and honest discussions about religion and beliefs. Which is weird – I used to pride myself on that sort of thing. Definitely a touchy subject with me.

October 17, 2007

Oh Noes!

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 10:08 am

Oh Noes!!


 Though I was trying to work, I was inspired this morning by Cristin’s post.

July 26, 2007

Fun with License Plates

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 9:52 pm

I’ve been busy snapping license plates. Here are some recent ones:

CALAMI-T : Jane, is that you?

DIV&DEEP : I didn’t see a “diver down” bumper sticker. Could there be another meaning to this?


FRTLOOPS : You said it, not me.

FRZBGOLF : For Robbie, though I think this is a repeat.

GANYMEDE : For Michael. Why, I wonder?

GOLDWNG : For my mom. On a Goldwing, of course!

IT’SMR2U : Heh. It’s for sale if you’re interested. 🙂


L1NDYHOP : Obvious, but was LINDYHOP taken?


MOXY : Hmm.

RDHAIRNG : I’m guessing a hairstylist?

RESQ : Qute.

SHOWCATS : Seen at the Fairgrounds when we went to the cat show recently. (Craxy cat people!)

June 27, 2007

Funny Drive-Through Weirdness

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 12:56 pm

What would you do it you’re at the drive-through fast food restaurant and you realize that your part of your order is wrong once you’ve already pulled away from the window?

Here’s my experience from this morning.

I went to Bojangles to treat myself to a bisquit this morning. I order, then pull up to the window to pick up my items. As you can imagine, the Bo is a pretty busy place in the mornings. I exchange my money for my food, and as I’m ready to pull forward, I realize that the car that was ahead of me is now parked about 1.5 car lengths in front of me. To be clear, the car is blocking the narrow lane of the drive-through exit.

She opens the car door and walks back to the window. I think she said “Sorry” but mostly I remember her looking sour-faced. She leans around into the window and says “I ordered unsweet tea.” The Latina girl behind the counter takes it from her and disappears from view. I sit, startled into silence. (If I were an animal, I’d be one of those ones that faints or falls over when startled.) One minute passes. I could reach my hand out and touch her, she’s practically leaning on my sideview mirror. [Personal Space Alert!]

I see the manager guy ask the window lady “What is this?” and she replied “She ordered unsweet tea.” They disappear from view. Another 30 seconds pass and then I see someone walking toward the back with one of those big tea urns, obviously empty. I sigh, internally, and raise my eyebrows, externally. Another 45 seconds elapse. My bisquit gets colder.

I finally say “Um, most people go inside when there’s a problem with their order.” She says “What? I just need my tea” or something like that. I can see further into the building than she cay, and I say “I think they’re brewing a new pot.” She says “What!?” I repeated myself in a clear, calm voice. She keeps looking sideways into the building, peering around the window. The window lady is nowhere to be seen, and a replacement tea is not imminent.

I decided this was ridiculous, and I thought that the few cars behind me would be in agreement. I asked “Can you move your car?” to which she responded something that sounded like “mumble getting some feedback here mumble” and then something snide like “If it makes you happy!” She stomped back to her car and pulled one car length around the corner of the building, opening up the exit lane – freedom!

So, what would you have done? If you were her or me?

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