I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 7, 2012

Christmas Cards

Filed under: Decorating,Holidays — admin @ 10:35 pm


I am so excited! I think I have finally found the perfect solution for how to display the many wonderful Christmas cards we receive each year.  The refrigerator! It is a great way to enjoy them for a while and it means we’ll revamp our fridge pictures at least once a year.  I am excited about having a new tradition in our house.  What do you do with the cards you receive?

December 24, 2011

Christmas dinner

Filed under: Holidays — admin @ 7:07 pm


Beef tips from the Meat House.  Amazing Brussels sprouts with bacon and apple.  Yeast rolls courtesy of Granma Q!  Happy Christmas! Xoxo!

December 23, 2011

All prepped

Filed under: Holidays — admin @ 11:17 pm


Stockings are all stuffed.  Gifts are wrapped and Santa’s presents are all dropped off. I think we are ready to go!

Christmas eve

Filed under: Holidays — admin @ 9:08 pm


Henry with the plate we prepared for Santa.  So cute!

(We are celebrating a day early due to scheduling problems.)

December 12, 2011

Linus by the tree

Filed under: Holidays,Linus — admin @ 6:49 pm




Some quick pictures I snapped of Linus in the mall. (Mostly I’m just testing blogging from my phone. 🙂

January 27, 2010

Christmas at Home

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 9:48 am

We had a lovely Christmas this year! We all got spoiled. Dave made his awesome beef tenderloin again – yum!

December 20, 2009

Virginia Beach Christmas

Filed under: Granma,Holidays,Travel,Vacation — admin @ 8:11 pm

Photos of our Christmas trip to Virginia Beach. Dave, Mom, Henry and I came up to visit Granma for the Christmas holiday.

November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving – Easy Peasy

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:17 pm

I knew that Thanksgiving dinner wouldn’t last more than 15-20 minutes, so I was loathe to put hours of work into a lovely gourmet Thanksgiving meal. When Ruth asked if she could fry a turkey for anyone, I jumped at the chance. I’ve always wanted to have a fried turkey but would never take the plunge.

So, Thursday morning we dropped off our turkey and had a nice visit with Ruth, Ruth’s Dad, Scott, Hannah and Ian. Not too long after we got home, we got the call to come pick up Tom Turkey in all his lovely, fried glory.

My mom joined us for an early afternoon dinner and the menu was perfectly simple:

Dave made us a banana cream pie for dessert, which was luscious!

Gorgeous Turkey
Dinner is served
Yummy pie
Full Belly

November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Filed under: Henry,Holidays — admin @ 10:54 am

It was pretty balmy out but we all had a good time.

Hand in hand

Lion Costume

Trick or Treating

Handing out candy

And photos from the party at school.



May 30, 2009

Memorial Day Cookout

Filed under: Entertainment,Henry,Holidays — JeniQ @ 9:05 pm

We had a lovely cookout last Sunday with a few friends and assorted munchkins. Thanks for coming!

Beaney was the first guest to arrive, with his fabulous guacamole, followed shortly after by my mom, who brought nearly a bushel of fresh corn on the cob. Sawyer, Shannon and Steve dropped by from next door. Jim, Tammy, Cooper and baby Claire all showed up rarin’ to go, and Rob, Mandy and Madeleine joined us. Cristin came and brought deviled eggs, which disappeared very quickly. Sawyer and Henry each ate two deviled eggs! And Dan, my friend Bob’s brother, who just moved to the area for his new job also came.

We had so much food and everyone ate ’til they were stuffed silly. The kids loved playing in the wading pool and climbing on the Kangaroo Climber. Then Dave broke out the sprinkler and Henry went C-R-A-Z-Y. Both Henry and Cooper (17 months) tried their first ear of corn and they both loved it! In the evening, Henry and Cooper took a bath together so Jim and Tammy could stay a little longer. Dave and I were both exhausted at the end of the day! To read more about Henry’s exploits and see more of his pictures, visit Cristin’s blog.

Food and drinks


Mom and baby Claire

Corn cob

Henry and Jeni

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