I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Henry!

Filed under: Birthday,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:09 am

Two years ago today, a few hours ago, our little man Henry was born. What a thrilling event! And here we sit on the eve of another little boy’s entrance into the world. It has been such a joy to be able to experience Henry from maternity to his second birthday.

This morning when I went in to get him up, he was sitting in his bed, reading a book to himself. What a little treasure. Happy Birthday, son. We love you so much!!

February 28, 2010


Filed under: Birthday,Henry — JeniQ @ 2:57 pm

Dave and Henry sporting their new Superman PJs. So super cute!!!

February 3, 2010

First Sentence!

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 10:11 am

This morning Henry said “Go upstairs, Mommy” complete with gestures. A little tyrannical, but a sentence nevertheless!

November 18, 2009

‘Nard Dog

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 5:03 pm

The other day I dressed Henry like Andy Bernard.

November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Filed under: Henry,Holidays — admin @ 10:54 am

It was pretty balmy out but we all had a good time.

Hand in hand

Lion Costume

Trick or Treating

Handing out candy

And photos from the party at school.



September 5, 2009

18 Months!!

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 10:46 am

Henry is now a year and a half old. Here’s an update.

  • Weight: 24# 4oz (28th percentile)
  • Height: 33 3/8″ (81st percentile)
  • Head: 19 1/8″ (73rd percentile)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – he’s going to be skinny, tall and have a big brain, just like his Daddy!

18M Growth Chart

18M Growth Chart

He is meeting his milestones right on time. He has all sixteen of his milk teeth. He is only missing his 2nd year molars. He has a few words, and is learning more each day. He says “hello”, “truck”, “ball”, “more”, “cat” and “dog”, though they don’t always sound right. He’s also just started saying “no.” It’s actually really, really cute. When he sees an elephant, he puts his arm over his head and says “woooooo”. When he sees a cow he says “mooooo”. And he knows to roar for a lion.

He’s smart, figures out pretty quickly when you’re trying to deceive him in some way. He is very independent and strong-willed, likes to do things for himself. He is a good eater most of the time, eating a good variety of foods and impressive quantities when it’s something he really likes. He loves his evening bath and has a good time splashing and playing with his toys. He likes to chew on his toothbrush; we’re still working on the brushing part. He helps pick up his toys when we’re done playing. He loves to throw things away in the trash can and he shuts open doors. He loves dogs and kitties. He is a good sleeper, sleeping from 8 PM to around 7 AM. He hasn’t started climbing out of his crib yet, but he looks agile and potentially tall enough to do so soon. He loves to climb and he loves to roughhouse. He likes to watch the airplanes at the airport, and always points to the sky when he hears one.

It is practically impossible to change his diaper with only one person. He throws a major fit. Sometimes he decides dinner’s over early and gets down before I think he’s finished. I always worry he’s going to starve but he manages to survive. The damage he’s done to our property has been pretty minimal so far, but I can see the writing on the wall. He broke one of my pairs of glasses a few months ago while roughhousing. It was my fault for wearing them while roughhousing. However, last weekend he pulled on the curtains in a room and pulled the rod support out of the wall, with at least one or two screws ripped out of the drywall. And he’s recently started banging his trucks against the walls.

He’s had tubes in his ear since June and we’re happy to report that he has had no ear infections since then. During the one airplane ride he has since taken, takeoff and landing was a cinch. His health has been pretty good, only a few colds here and there since we knocked out the constant ear infections.

All in all, everything is going just as well as one could hope. Henry is a healthy, happy, bright child who is the light of our lives.

Playing with Trains


August 29, 2009


Filed under: Gifties,Henry — admin @ 4:09 pm

Our neighbors recently got Henry this Bamm-Bamm shirt. How cute, and how fitting!!

Bam Bam with shoe

Bam Bam with headband

Latest Henry Photos/Videos

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 1:26 pm

This is a great puzzle we got from Henry’s Granny Sue.

Playing with blocks

Henry and Cayce get along

Reading time
Reading time

Watching planes at the airport
Watching planes

Down the big slide
Down the big slide

Playing with Cayce (very one-sided)
Playing with Cayce

Climbing further than he should (impressive, though)
Climbing further than he should

Sprinkler time with Sawyer
Sprinkler Time

Granma Q Visits Henry and has a Birthday

Filed under: Birthday,Granma,Henry,Visitors — admin @ 12:45 pm

We were so lucky to have my grandmother (Henry’s great-grandmother) in town for her 84th birthday!! She got to spend lots of quality time with Henry. We even went to the pool one afternoon, it was so relaxing.

Friday was my work-at-home day, so Granma went with Uncle Denny (her brother-in-law) and Aunt Betty out to lunch at her favorite Raleigh restaurant, Kanki. Saturday we got up early and hit the North Raleigh Farmer’s Market with the neighbors. It was pretty hot out so we didn’t stay long.
North Hills Farmers Mkt

Then we headed to The Roast Grill, which we had seen featured on a recent episode of Man vs. Food. I knew that Granma loves hot dogs, so I thought we’d check it out. I was in for a surprise when I discovered how incredibly small a place it is. We got our order to go and had yummy hot dogs at home.
The Roast Grill

Granma spent time with Henry, helping feed him and playing with him in his playroom. She did a real good job of keeping him entertained!
Feeding Henry Breakfast

Lounging at the pool

For her birthday on Sunday, my mom joined us for a big dinner in Granma’s honor. My mom brought over balloons, which were a great hit with Henry. She wore herself out playing with Henry and the balloons.
LOVES baloons

Dinner was sweet potatoes, grilled T-bones and wilted lettuce salad – YUM!
Birthday Dinner

After dinner, Granma got to blow out the candles and enjoy the fabulous cake Dave made, an angel food cake spiked with pineapple and coconut-rum frosting.
Birthday Cake

Then she opened presents, including the candy she got from Jonathan and Dawn (which was also yummy!).
See's Candies Gift

Here’s Granma saying good-bye to Henry on his way to school on Monday.
Time for School

It was a great trip and it was so nice to have her here. I love her so much and I’m so happy to be able to spend time with her.

July 27, 2009

More Henry

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 9:40 pm

A few recent photos that are too cute, and several adorable videos.

Ready for Outside Time

Adult Sippy Cup

Studious Reader

Big Boy Snack Time

Reading time in his chair

Toes on highchair

Here is Henry in his nighttime routine. This video is about a month old,

Here he is playing on his slide, and learning to dive.

And if this isn’t the cutest, funniest thing you’ve ever seen, I don’t know what is.

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