I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 29, 2012

Henry’s Birthday Party

Filed under: Birthday,Henry — admin @ 6:56 pm

A belated post with pictures and videos of Henry’s birthday party.

Sunday morning superheroes

Filed under: Henry,Linus — admin @ 11:37 am



March 25, 2012

I’m Four!

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 2:43 pm

Ok, I’m not four, but I am now the proud parent of a four-year-old.

Here’s the statistical update from his 4YO checkup.

  • Weight: 34 pounds (33%)
  • Height: 40 inches (44%)
  • Body Mass Index: 25%

So what can I say about this little man who is sitting right next to me as I type this? He is very sweet, “and very big” according to him. He is a real trickster. He loves to joke around and be as silly as he can be. He is rarely serious. His favorite thing in the world is TV and his new toy truck (currently in toy time-out). He is becoming a very good big brother, always watching out for his little brother to make sure he doesn’t get hurt or in trouble.

Henry is a definite fruit monster. He loves every kind of fruit and it’s second only to candy. His next favorite food are starchy white carbohydrates. He’s not so big into vegetables or meats, and unlike most kids he won’t eat pizza or any other form of cheese. He still naps at school but not on the weekends. We enjoy a little alone time with him when Linus is napping.

He’s now in soccer class once a week at school, and on the weekends he goes to MyGym, a fun place to learn fitness and fun routines like the trapeze. And he keeps begging me to take him back to the rock climbing gym.

He is super, duper smart. He asks so many questions and makes so many connections. He knows his letters and is going to start sight words soon, I think. His memory is amazing.

He is just an incredibly cool kid and I shall now go back to playing with him, rather than writing about him. Happy Birthday, son!

March 1, 2012

Can you imagine

Filed under: Birthday,Henry — JeniQ @ 11:15 pm

Four years ago, this is what we were up to:

January 31, 2012

Mini Dave

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 9:07 pm

Love this kid.


December 25, 2011

Granma Q and the boys

Filed under: Granma,Henry,Linus — JeniQ @ 8:25 pm

Granma Q and Henry

Granma Q and Linus

Pictures from our recent trip to Virginia Beach to celebrate Christmas with Granma. We love you and miss you already!!

October 10, 2011

2011 Fall Update

Filed under: Family,Henry,Linus — JeniQ @ 2:31 pm

I’m busy so the blog doesn’t get a lot of attention. So sorry! I have about 10 free minutes so I’m going to try to get out an update. If you get this, that means I was successful!

Linus is now 1 and a half years old! He is doing great. He is very happy and healthy, and the trauma and drama of his first year seems like a distant memory. In the “awesome news” department, we went to see the Orthopedic surgeon recently to check out Linus’s hip, and he said that Linus is doing great and won’t need to be seen for a year. Yay!!! The only other thing on his medical horizon is the recent confirmation that he is allergic to eggs. In addition, we also found out that he’s allergic to nuts, tree nuts, dogs and cats. Other than a few colds this summer and some bouts with teething pain, he has been very healthy. His stats from his 18 month check up:

  • Weight: 26# 13 oz
  • Height: 32.5″
  • Head: 18.25″

He is happy and smiley and he loves to dance and play peek-a-boo. He is fairly stubborn and will throw a long fit if not given his way. We stopped the bottle at 16 months and now he’s fully transitioned to table food. He’s finally started eating fruits, which is exciting for me. He has lots of words and will follow instructions. He will helpfully throw things in the trash can and put away his dirty laundry. He loves to play outside and go for walks. He loves trains and cars and dogs and cats. He always tries to do what Henry is doing. He loves to snuggle on the couch watching Sesame Street. He is obsessed with Elmo. He is really a terrific little guy and we’re having a great time getting to know him better. We think he’s pretty awesome.

Henry is now 3 and a half years old. He is just amazing. He is really starting to mature and is having less of the behavior problems we saw around 3YO. He takes very good care of his brother and watches out for him. He is a fluent speaker and expresses himself very well. He knows so many things, and everyday learns more. He is counting well and learning all of his numbers and letters. He is a very sociable child and plays well with the other children in his class. He is a good listener and helps around the house with daily chores. He loves watching TV and he is still fascinated by the Cars movie. His favorite toys are his wooden train set and his Lego’s. He’s been to a few movies, taken a real train ride, ridden a cruise boat up the Elizabeth river and just recently got to spend an impromptu hour at the beach. We think he’s pretty awesome, too.

Dave is doing good as well. He’s coming up to speed in his new job and keeping very busy. I’m doing well at work, though it seems like I’m out half the time with sick kids. We try to stay focused on the important things like making time to have fun with the kids and each other. We recently got to see Wilco and Nick Lowe in concert, and we also celebrated our 9th anniversary. Simply put, we’re happy.

May 22, 2011

Recent Photos

Filed under: Henry,Linus — JeniQ @ 9:38 pm

Some recent pics of the boys, more Linus than Henry. Henry must be harder to photograph because he never stops moving. I realized in looking at the recent pictures on the camera that we take an awful lot of pictures of Linus with contraband in his mouth. So I included a pic of some of the items we’ve had to remove from circulation. There is also one picture of Henry and Hudson (and Mike) watching a fox in our back yard! Kudos to Henry for spotting the little fella out there.

April 16, 2011

3 Year Old Henry

Filed under: Birthday,Henry — JeniQ @ 4:30 pm

My little baby is three! And he’s not a little baby anymore. He’s a big boy. He is getting so long and losing more of his baby fat. His stomach still sticks out farther than his chest, thank goodness.

Here are his stats:

  • Weight: 30.8#
  • Height: 36.25″

How do I describe this kid? He’s awesome. He is super smart, very sweet, obedient, funny, articulate, curious. His vocabulary is just amazing. He knows so many things, and asks tons of questions about those that he doesn’t. He can count to 10 well, and recognizes both letters and numbers. He loves to read, and be read to. He loves to kick balls and “play soccer.” He loves his little brother. He is a champ when it comes to Lego building. He has very imaginative play with his toys, and can play for an hour by himself when he’s engrossed in his creative imagination. He also loves to help me cook.

He puts his dirty laundry in the laundry basket and hangs his towel up after his bath. He brushes his teeth. He clears his dishes after dinner and asks to be excused. He goes to sleep at night with his door open and stays in his room. He’s really a good kid.

Except for all the times he isn’t, of course. He has a tendency to be whiny, stubborn, intractable, destructive, and just plain bad. But the good definitely outshines the bad in this kid.

I love him so much. I enjoy being with him so much. He is really, really terrific and I adore him. Happy birthday, little man.

March 12, 2011

Free Linus – Couch Outtakes

Filed under: Henry,Linus,Party — admin @ 12:27 pm

We tried to get a nice pic of all the kids on the couch. Didn’t quite work out, but hilarious nonetheless!

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