Look at these adorable invites from Ele! They are so cute but I had no idea they were so labor intensive. Ele, we’ll be there!
June 24, 2007
Adorable Invite
June 21, 2007
Meet Cristin!
Wednesday night The Colony movie theatre showed an original copy of The Dark Crystal. The print had lots of pops and haze in it, it was definitely an old, old copy of the movie. They even had a vintage movie poster on display, check it! Cristin decided to go with me, after agonizing over the decision. We posed in front of the poster but the stoned guy taking our picture couldn’t figure out how to focus…grumble.
But damn, aren’t we cute?!
We met for burgers and fries at Pharaoh’s before heading to the movie. I so so enjoyed meeting Cristin! She’s awesome and she loves David just as much as I do! (I’m sure Matt’s middle name is David.) We had a great time talking over dinner, and it was very relaxed and natural. The conversation flowed easily. This is the best you can get when meeting an internet friend for the first time. Yay!!! But I was totally surprised at how wee she is – look, she’s smaller than me! That just makes her more adorable. She is really too cute.
Attention Jackson Publick: I may have found the Venture Bros. original house! These enormous, insane carpets line the walls of the Colony’s movie theatre. How retro can you get? I’m sure that Rusty would think they’re so fab!
I think we should also note that the Colony serves beer! which makes it all the more fun. I can tell you that I’ll be there in November to see V for Vendetta a fourth time in the theatre. (Also this.)
Here’s us in front of the marquee. See, proof that they really were showing The Dark Crystal! You can see more pictures at Cristin’s post.
I liked the movie. I still think it’s too creepy and macabre for youngsters, and I think I was probably too young when I watched, but I liked it. And I think I know now why my brother liked it so much. I think it was the utter imagination of the whole thing, and the ballsy-ness it took to make a somewhat dramatic movie using no live actors.
I thought that the inspirations for many of the creatures were found in nature. Cristin says the Podlings were based on potatoes! The Garthim seem very much like more-mobile horseshoe crabs. There were many creatures (plants or animals, I don’t know) that seemed very inspired by coral reef denizens: the little delicate ferns that would withdraw at the slightest touch, the anemone that scuttle out of the way on the cliffside. I’d love to hear/read more on that topic.
Anyway, it was super enjoyable and I had a super great time. Yay for new friends and old movies!
June 20, 2007
First Date!
Hehe, you can see my balance ball in the background – that’s my normal chair here in my office.
June 14, 2007
Wednesday Night Beers
June 11, 2007
Funny Story
Here’s one from the Small World department. Last night Kerri called me up to go grab a beer and some dinner. We debated our choices. Lynnwood was out because they were rude to Ker. O’Malley’s was out because it’s just too smoky. Dos Taquitos was closed. And Ben’s Place was out because 1) Kerri went there on Saturday and 2) there is a total tool of a waiter who works there. He is so annoying that I decided we should just avoid the place. We ended up going to Rudino’s Rooftop.
We walked out onto the patio and it was quite crowded. As we milled, looking for a seat, two guys sitting at a large table offered us a seat at the table. There weren’t a lot of options so we sat down…with the waiter from Ben’s Place. Ha! Luckily, he left after another beer. Obnoxious and drunk, what a lovely combination.
Towards the end of the night, we ended up talking with this 7 foot tall guy. His nickname is, not surprisingly, Lurch. I can’t believe I didn’t have my camera. His license plate is a Hurricane’s vanity plate, so it has the little Hurricanes symbol on the left. On the right, it says 1LUR and the two small characters that designate the tag type are CH. Ha! How clever. If you don’t quite get it, you will the next time you see a Carolina Hurricanes vanity plate.
June 10, 2007
Final Atlanta Fotos
More Atlanta Photos
June 8, 2007
June 1, 2007
Welcome to the ATL!

Welcome to Hotlanta, baby!
(Ever seen the ants in the Atlanta airport? They are so rad!)
May 28, 2007
Flying Saucer, again
After the flea market, we had to hit the Flying Saucer. We met Kerri there and had beers, beers, beers, and some lunch.
Aren’t Kerri and I cute?!!?!?
And then there was our waitress (in the picture below, on the left). While we were there, her dad and what appeared to be her grandparents showed up to sit in her section and have a quick beer (not pictured). After they left, she had a really funny conversation with us about how mortified she is that her family comes to visit her at work. She said that she knew they were coming, so she wore her “least slutty” outfit, the longest skirt she owned. There were many funny, funny parts to this conversation, but the funniest for me was when Dave said to her, “So, how does your dad feel about …” and she responded “My outfit?” I think he was going to ask her about her job, but she got right to the point and nailed the question all of us were wondering about. It was the high point of our Saucer visit – we laughed mightily.
She also hit up her dad for her semester’s tuition of $400 because she did well in school the previous semester. As he left, her dad was waffling about whether and how he would pay her.
She’s cute, and sweet, and putting herself through college, so if this is your Flying Saucer waitress, tip her well!!