I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 25, 2009

Finn’s birthday party

Filed under: Birthday,Ele — admin @ 9:13 am

Last Saturday was Finn’s 2nd birthday party. Just like his momma, I can’t believe he’s already 2.
The party was a lot of fun with pizza, cupcakes and a real live fire engine! There were about a dozen kids there and it was nice to catch up with some folks I haven’t seen in a while.
Happy Birthday, Finn!! (Sorry, no good photos of the birthday boy.)
Party Guests
Fire Truck!

Hello Handsome
Beep Beep - backing up!

May 10, 2009

Girl’s Night

Filed under: Ele,Entertainment — admin @ 9:35 pm

A fun night out on the town with Ele, Sarah and Molly. Thanks for the nice night out ladies!

April 19, 2009

Saturday Evening with Finn

Filed under: Ele,Entertainment — admin @ 12:11 pm

Saturday night we had a lovely evening with Will, Ele and Finn. They arrived around 6 for dinner. I made the boys’ favorite sweet potato and salmon recipe, and for the adults I made salt-and-pepper salmon with mashed white sweet potatoes and roasted asparagus. Yum! Will and Ele were kind enough to bring libations, both beer and wine.

We had a nice time catching up, eating and drinking. The boys did pretty well playing together. Mostly, Henry enjoyed playing near Finn and Finn loved playing with Henry’s multitude of toys. Finn is getting so big, using words and repeating sounds. He’s really growing up! When it was getting late and time for them to go home, we convinced them to stay a bit longer by giving both the boys a bath. That was a fun time and they both did great.

Thanks you guys!

March 29, 2009

Love in Bloom Maternity – Now Open!

Filed under: Ele,Shopping — JeniQ @ 11:28 pm

Love in Bloom

Saturday night, Dave, Henry and I went to the grand opening of Ele’s new store, Love in Bloom Maternity. It was a fabulous affair, like all of Ele’s parties.

Pregnant? You should check out the loads of fabulous clothes and accessories they carry!

October 18, 2008

Finn Visit

Filed under: Ele — JeniQ @ 10:32 am

Recently Will, Ele and Finn came by to visit with us. Getting together was a late afternoon plan. I was happy to do something spontaneous on a night we usually spend in. We had a nice evening with a few drinks and Finn got to have dinner over here. Henry managed to coerce us to keep him up past his bedtime – he refused to go to sleep when he knew Finn was still downstairs playing with his toys!

Having Finn over is helpful to us because we see where we need to start shoring up our defenses. Our house is still not toddler proof because Henry is not crawling yet.

I like this shot – there’s Henry on Will’s shoulders and Finn on Dave’s.

July 27, 2008

Pool Day

Filed under: Ele,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:56 pm

Will and Ele brought Finn over for another pool day. It was lots o’ fun to hang with this fun couple and their cutie-patootie Finn. Ele’s post is better than mine, but I do have these cute post-pool pics I just had to share.

Here are Henry’s feet after about 15 minutes in the pool – all wrinkly!!
Pruned Feet

And then I couldn’t resist Henry’s buddha belly so I snapped a quick picture.
Dave and Henry, take 1

Henry looked at me inquisitively…
Dave and Henry, take 2

And then so did Dave!
Dave and Henry, take 3

How cute!!!!

May 10, 2008

Cute Baby

Filed under: Babies,Ele,Henry — JeniQ @ 8:43 pm

Following in the tradition of cute babies Finn and Tesla. This outfit courtesy of William and Joyce, who still have yet to meet Henry. Come visit!!

Cute Baby

March 28, 2008

Ele and Finn Visit

Filed under: Babies,Ele,Henry — JeniQ @ 12:35 pm

Ele and I met out at Salsa Fresh earlier this week for a nice cheesy lunch, then we sat on my couch for a few hours feeding the babies, watching the birds and gossiping. She even brought a food donation for the fridge, hooray!

I can’t believe how big Finn is in comparison to Henry. Having been hauling Henry around for a few weeks now, I was really surprised to see that he is actually very teeny!

Finn and Henry

Read Ele’s post here.

January 31, 2008

Ladies Who Lunch

Filed under: Babies,Ele,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:55 am

I can’t highly enough recommend a very long lunch at a fancy cafe with girlfriends to soothe the soul. Especially on a workday. 🙂

On Tuesday, I met with new mommies Ele and Molly and babies Finn and Cooper at the cafe at Nordstrom to have their tasty chicken caesar.

It was awesome getting to catch up with the girls – I haven’t seen Molly since Ele’s baby shower and it’s been about 5 weeks since I’d seen Ele and Finn. We chatted babies and transitions and pregnancy, even a little L&D. I definitely felt better seeing what it’s like on the other side, and knowing that I can do it, too! 🙂


Funny Face on Finn

Molly and Cooper


December 2, 2007

Meeting Finn

Filed under: Babies,Ele — JeniQ @ 10:17 pm

I’ve been waiting for Ele to post to her blog because I forgot to take my camera when we went to meet Finn. This little man is so cute. And getting to hear all of Will and Ele’s stories was just terrific. Definitely helpful, not scary.

Check out our photos here.

To whet your appetite I’m posting this so-so-cute picture of Finn.


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