I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 14, 2008


Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 10:13 am

Monica made us a fabulous lunch yesterday – isn’t it pretty?

Pasta salad

And right now she’s making blueberry muffins for breakfast!

February 23, 2008

Cup o’ Pizza

Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:51 pm

For Cristin, who recently watched The Jerk.

Personally, I’ve always thought Pizza in a Cup was a real thing. I mean, any properly good piece of floppy pizza could be ideally served in a big styrofoam cup. Beats the multiple paper plates they use at Randy’s.

But after our discussion the other night, I’m not sure if this ever existed as a concept outside of the world of The Jerk.

So, imagine my delight when the soup of the day at Edward’s Mill was Pizza Soup!
Pizza Soup
It was pretty good!

February 14, 2008

Shower Eats

Filed under: Meals & Food,Party — JeniQ @ 9:10 pm

This will probably be the prettiest post on my site, so enjoy all these lovely pictures!

The spread at the shower was just amazing. Credit to the girl who dreamed up the menu! It was delish, and there was so much food, I know no one left hungry!!

I had one request and for that I used either the word “Mexican” or “cheese,” I can’t remember which. I got a variety of tasty little cheese-filled mexican treats. And when asked what food would go best with melted chocolate, I greedily said pineapple! I got that wish, too.

The table, at a glance.


Some close-ups.

Cheese Platter

My girls wouldn’t use bowls for dip, would they?

Veggies and Dip

Shrimp Cocktail


The chocolate fondue – how fabulous is chocolate fondue?

Chocolate Fondue

I spent half the night eating most of the pineapple at the fondue bowl. YUM.


What shower would be complete without a cake? But not content to do it up like everyone else, they went with a cookie cake!! It was like a chocolate chip coookie, but enormous, and with icing. It said “Bye bye tummy, Hello Mummy!” So freaking cute.

Cookie Cake

Cute Napkins

And I didn’t even make it to this tray, but they look gorgeous, don’t they?

Dessert Bars

There was plenty of wine, some crazy strong blue Wildberry Martinis and of course, pudding shots. Pudding shots are quite yum! Everyone seemed pretty relaxed and happy – I think the food and drink was a hit!

Pudding Shot

Photo credit.

February 12, 2008

Weekend Visitors

Filed under: Meals & Food,Visitors — JeniQ @ 12:50 pm

Before I start blogging about the shower(!!!) I thought I’d recap the rest of the weekend with our visitors.

First, we played with Ian some more.
Linz, Ian & Dave

And then we tried to go to the Mellow Mushroom but it was an hour wait and it was pretty cold outdoors, which was the only place to wait. Their bad fortune was good news for the folks at MoJoe’s across the street where we ended up. It’s a funny little place with an odd crowd, but they’ve got good burgers and tasty fried accompaniments. Yum!!

Ian was precious, of course. (It was a little cold on their heated porch.)
Linz & Ian @ MoJoes

Dave relaxing.
Dave @ MoJoes

Amy being a goof.
Amy @ MoJoes

Monica enjoys her Corona.
Monica @ MoJoes

February 5, 2008


Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 2:06 pm

For me? It’s a nice, relaxing lunch at the Waffle.
Waffle House Coffee is the BEST!
I heart it so.

January 31, 2008

Ladies Who Lunch

Filed under: Babies,Ele,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:55 am

I can’t highly enough recommend a very long lunch at a fancy cafe with girlfriends to soothe the soul. Especially on a workday. 🙂

On Tuesday, I met with new mommies Ele and Molly and babies Finn and Cooper at the cafe at Nordstrom to have their tasty chicken caesar.

It was awesome getting to catch up with the girls – I haven’t seen Molly since Ele’s baby shower and it’s been about 5 weeks since I’d seen Ele and Finn. We chatted babies and transitions and pregnancy, even a little L&D. I definitely felt better seeing what it’s like on the other side, and knowing that I can do it, too! 🙂


Funny Face on Finn

Molly and Cooper


Speaking of birthdays…

Filed under: Birthday,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:34 am

Yesterday was Dave’s birthday, so we went to a nice dinner at Mo’s Diner downtown. Pretty tasty, especially the dessert!

Happy Birthday Honey!

Dining by Candlelight

January 1, 2008

Christmas at home

Filed under: Family,Gifties,Holidays,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 12:14 pm

A nice quiet Christmas morning for Dave and I. Our last quiet Christmas, I’m predicting.

Dave got a book of genius Sudoku puzzles, a Bruce Springsteen CD, an indoor/outdoor weather station, and some cute boxers. I got two Pink Martini CDs, a book of Sci-Fi-inspired baby names, and a fabulous new digital camera!!! I love love love it and I’m so excited to stop using my crappy old HP.

Mom and Gene came over for Christmas dinner in the afternoon. Mom bought us this insanely large standing rib roast – almost 11 1/2 pounds! For those of you in the know, it appeared to include all seven ribs. It took 4 1/4 hours to cook.
Prepping the Roast

It was delish!! We had it with roasted vegetables and some tasty asparagus.
Dinner served

Ha, but was Mom disappointed when I served her after-dinner coffee in one of our new Browns mugs!
Browns Coffee Mug

Mom got me two pairs of crocs, one black and one brown. Not really something I thought I’d want, but my feet are growing and I’m thinking slip-ons are the way to go since I can’t see my feet and I’m starting to not be able to reach them.

Dave got a 6-month membership to the Brew-of-the-Month club. I also got a cute Geek Inside shirt and the baby got a Geekling onesie.
Geek Inside


Mom got a massage gift certificate and Gene got a book by Lou Dobbs. Mom got Gene this fabulous back massager/heat pad that he can put in his recliner. All in all, we made out like bandits!!

Merry Christmas!

December 23, 2007


Filed under: Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 4:25 pm

A half-dozen blue crabs yielded one ramekin of sweet, sweet crab meat. Yum!

December 2, 2007


Filed under: Holidays,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:11 am

The Christmas decorations at Waffle House make me happy. So does the food.

Waffle Lights

Waffle Lights2

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