I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

May 2, 2009

Mt. Olive Pickle Festival

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 2:04 pm

Cucumber & Vine!

This year we realized my dream of going to the Mt. Olive Pickle Festival. I have been a lifelong fan of Mt. Olive products, and I was excited when we moved so close because my mom used to have to mail jars of their pickles to me when I lived in Texas. Anyway, I was totally excited that they have a Pickle Festival every year and this year we finally made it.

Mom came, and she was such a great help with Henry. We didn’t have our timing exacly figured out, but things went pretty smoothly considering how far we pushed off Henry’s lunch and naptime. It also turned out to be quite hot, in the 90s, so we’re lucky we didn’t melt.

I was a little disappointed about the lack of pickle-ness about the festival. It was your traditional kind of fair, with tons of fair food, a few different stages with bands, carnival rides, a petting zoo and innumberable vendor stands, mostly community stores and services. I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting, perhaps pickle derbies, or other pickle activities. They did give out free pickles (dill spears and bread-n-butter spears) and they had a booth of Mt. Olive merchandise, too, at which I scored a cool t-shirt and Mom got Henry a bib. I found out later that I had I missed the coolest thing, which was pickle-packing. I can’t believe I missed it – it probably would have made my day! That being said, we did have a really good time walking through the car show and hanging out at the petting zoo.

Here are my favorite shots from our day. (after the break)

April 19, 2009

Saturday Evening with Finn

Filed under: Ele,Entertainment — admin @ 12:11 pm

Saturday night we had a lovely evening with Will, Ele and Finn. They arrived around 6 for dinner. I made the boys’ favorite sweet potato and salmon recipe, and for the adults I made salt-and-pepper salmon with mashed white sweet potatoes and roasted asparagus. Yum! Will and Ele were kind enough to bring libations, both beer and wine.

We had a nice time catching up, eating and drinking. The boys did pretty well playing together. Mostly, Henry enjoyed playing near Finn and Finn loved playing with Henry’s multitude of toys. Finn is getting so big, using words and repeating sounds. He’s really growing up! When it was getting late and time for them to go home, we convinced them to stay a bit longer by giving both the boys a bath. That was a fun time and they both did great.

Thanks you guys!

February 20, 2009

Awake at the Wheel

Filed under: Entertainment,Music — JeniQ @ 4:50 pm

Yep, we’ve got plans this evening!



October 31, 2008

Left vs. Right

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 11:44 am

When not jamming out to some Bowie on my car radio, the dial is usually set to NPR. Lately, I’ve been getting really annoyed at the liberal slant with which NPR delivers all its news. So I recently switched the dial over to 680 AM figuring I’d get a good conservative harangiung. I was right. I appreciated hearing a diffferent opinion, but couldn’t take all the attitude and scoffing, not to mention the commercials. So, as one-sided a view as NPR is, I’ll continue to listen to it because at least they’re civilized.

October 26, 2008

Halloween Party

Filed under: Entertainment,Holidays — JeniQ @ 9:02 pm

On Saturday we got a last minute invite to drop by Andrea’s Annual Pumpkin Carving party with Ele, Will and Finn.

Dave Entertains Henry

Finn with Glow Stick

Glow Stick Fun

No pumpkins were carved by this family, however, as we had to get Henry home for bedtime.

October 19, 2008

Meet Cooper

Filed under: Babies,Entertainment — JeniQ @ 9:09 pm

(Not to be confused with Molly‘s Cooper.) Saturday evening Beaney, Jim, Tammy and Cooper came over for dinner. It was nice to finally meet Cooper, who is 10 months old. Coop is crawling around and wanted to chase the cats so badly. He let me dance with him and he is just so stinkin’ cute! Thanks, y’all, for visiting!

Cooper and Henry

October 18, 2008

High Country Sightseeing

Filed under: Entertainment,Farmer's Market,Travel — JeniQ @ 2:16 pm

We went on a few outings while we were at the cabin. We browsed the shops in Blowing Rock, and had a lovely pizza lunch at Mellow Mushroom.
We hit the Watauga County Farmers’ Market on Saturday.

Farmers Market

Mom hunts for the perfect apple

Apple Festival not that exciting, really

Play me some of that mountain music

spinning thread

And on the way out of town, mom and I stopped to do some good old-fashioned gem mining. She’s been wanting to do this for years so I surprised her on the way out of town with this adventure. We had a great time and ordered more than one stone to be cut. I hope they turn out nice!!!

Mom uses a sharp eye to sift through her stones

Our haul - two bags full!

Amethysts, rubies, aquamarine, oh my!

October 4, 2008

Night Out!

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 5:25 pm

Dave and I got a baby sitter for tonight and now we’re headed out to dinner! I am so excited!!

September 27, 2008

i love Durham

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 6:23 pm

Dave wanted mellow mushroom for dinner but I hate fighting with the traffic, the parking, and having to wait for a table. Plus little Henry makes it harder to wait to get sat. So we headed to the Mushroom down in Durham’s historic tobacco district. Yay for no waiting! It was a million times better than hitting south Glenwood.

(Don’t forget to ask them to add cinnamon to your Hawaiian pizza!)

September 26, 2008

Cleveland Air Show

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 10:53 pm

While up in Cleveland, we got to see the Cleveland Air Show. It was, in the true sense of the word, awesome. This included a display by the Blue Angels.

I was a bit overwhlemed with the patriotic, nationlistic pride I felt at this awesome display of force. I frequently get teary-eyed at, well, lots of things, to be truthful, and this one was right up there. Go Team America!

Here are some assorted pictures. Maybe one day I’ll have time to upload the videos I took.

C5 Cargo Plane

Noise Protection

Blue Angels taking off

F-15 and Sunlight

Four Blue Angels

Diamond Formation

Splitting formation

Four Blue Angels

I couldn’t agree with these protesters.

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