I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

February 27, 2011


Filed under: Crafty,Entertainment,Henry,Linus — admin @ 10:05 pm

We got the boys a playset this week! We are so excited to be able to just open up the back door and let them run outside to play. It has a two-story fort with open rails on the top. You access the top fort by either the gangplank or wavy slide. The bottom floor has a nice wooden floor with two half-height walls with a little counter and two solid walls with little windows. There is also a three-position swing set. It is a super awesome playset; we are really very pleased.

We worked with Mark at Backyard Playgrounds, who we highly recommend. They work with you to design a playset that meets your needs, they have a great warranty, and they are reasonably priced. Give them a call if you’re in the market for a new playset!

November 15, 2010

Hill Ridge Farms

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 11:21 pm

We had a great time this year at Hill Ridge Farms. We rode the train and we took a hayride to the pumpkin patch. Henry and Linus both had a great time.

State Fair

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 11:04 pm

Thanks to Nicole and Mike for getting us out to the State Fair this year. The boys had a great time, and so did we!!

July 19, 2009

Cleveland Photos

Filed under: Cleveland,Entertainment,Family — JeniQ @ 8:46 pm

We got to visit family in Cleveland last month. It was great to see everyone and catch up. The bonus was that my mom was able to join us for this trip. I think she had a real nice time relaxing and spending time with the extended family. Just wish our visits could be longer!
The grandkids

All photos after the break.

Duct Tape Parade

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 8:21 am

Catching up from June…
Photos from the Parade at the Duct Tape Festival follow the break.

June 29, 2009

Duct Tape Festival

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 8:17 am

This June, we were able to attend the Duct Tape Festival in Avon, OH. It was fabulous! Carnival food, carnival rides staffed by authentic carnies, and Duct Tape Crafts!! I made a fabulous green and black purse. It’s a high-fashion design that can only fit my camera and phone – no wallet. 😉
I got a bag of cotton candy and we drank beer and ate cotton candy while watching Johnny Cash live on stage. It made for a fabulous date night. There was also a “Living Statue” who moved through the grounds; he was a lot of fun to watch.

Every year Henkel sponsors the Stuck at Prom contest where couples create and wear prom attire made entirely of duct tape. Each lucky winner receives $3000 in scholarship money, plus the fame of having the coolest duct tape outfit in the country! We saw one couple walking around the festival. They apparently spent a lot of time explaining to people how they made their outfits. My favorites included Spreading our Wings, Copperleaf & Bailing Wire, Public Enemies, and Rose and Butterfly. You can view all 2009 submissions here.

June 6, 2009

At Long Last

Filed under: Entertainment,Movies — JeniQ @ 3:03 pm

My mom hasn’t been to see a movie in at least 20 years. I think she was trying to keep up her record, but when she found out that there was going to be a sequel to her favorite movie, Night at the Museum, she was so excited.

Ready to Go

So as soon as Battle of the Smithsonian was released, we made plans to go see it. We went on a Wednesday, late in the evening, and there was no one else in the theatre. It was perfect! We went to the Raleigh Grande so that we could have beer with our popcorn. And of course we checked Pee Times at RunPee before we went.

We're Off!

Alone in the Theatre

It was a fun movie, and I captured a few fun shots.

Battle of the Smithsonian

Honest Abe

Evil Warriors

Able the Monkey

Octavius and Jedediah

Jedidiah and Octavius

May 30, 2009

Memorial Day Cookout

Filed under: Entertainment,Henry,Holidays — JeniQ @ 9:05 pm

We had a lovely cookout last Sunday with a few friends and assorted munchkins. Thanks for coming!

Beaney was the first guest to arrive, with his fabulous guacamole, followed shortly after by my mom, who brought nearly a bushel of fresh corn on the cob. Sawyer, Shannon and Steve dropped by from next door. Jim, Tammy, Cooper and baby Claire all showed up rarin’ to go, and Rob, Mandy and Madeleine joined us. Cristin came and brought deviled eggs, which disappeared very quickly. Sawyer and Henry each ate two deviled eggs! And Dan, my friend Bob’s brother, who just moved to the area for his new job also came.

We had so much food and everyone ate ’til they were stuffed silly. The kids loved playing in the wading pool and climbing on the Kangaroo Climber. Then Dave broke out the sprinkler and Henry went C-R-A-Z-Y. Both Henry and Cooper (17 months) tried their first ear of corn and they both loved it! In the evening, Henry and Cooper took a bath together so Jim and Tammy could stay a little longer. Dave and I were both exhausted at the end of the day! To read more about Henry’s exploits and see more of his pictures, visit Cristin’s blog.

Food and drinks


Mom and baby Claire

Corn cob

Henry and Jeni

May 10, 2009

Girl’s Night

Filed under: Ele,Entertainment — admin @ 9:35 pm

A fun night out on the town with Ele, Sarah and Molly. Thanks for the nice night out ladies!

May 2, 2009

Car Show @ Pickle Festival

Filed under: Entertainment — admin @ 2:13 pm


For all you gearheads, here are some of the cars Dave liked at the car show at the Pickle Festival.

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