Around this time of year, we take the cats in for their annual vet appointment. They both get their teeth cleaned and get lion cuts.
Billy is cold after his recent clip and so conserves warmth.
Cayce shows his displeasure.
But somehow manages to relax anyway.
While he was there, Cayce had two teeth removed! Little ones that we left out for the tooth fairy.
Billy got a clean bill of health for his teeth, but they found other problems during his annual inspection. He had a small tumor near his armpit that was removed. It was a malignant tumor but they feel pretty certain that they got all of it and he shouldn’t be bothered by it anymore. Also, it appeared that he had a bladder stone and so had to go into the vet’s several days later for surgery to remove the stone. No stone was found and at the same time, the vet discovered some very unusual sites on the bladder wall that she suspected indicated bladder cancer. Luckily, it was not bladder cancer but what appears to be some kind of chronic inflamation of the bladder. So hooray because both kitties are safe and sound at home!
Billy has since shed his dapper little sweater.