World, say “Hello” to my new blog server. I’ve finally migrated from my old Ubuntu server to a new Windows-based blog server, hoooray! I’m really excited about this change because I think it will be much easier for me to maintain. I also hope it will be easier to use. It seems that some of the latest features of WordPress should help overcome the roadblocks I face when blogging.
There are a few changes you might want to know about. First, email from the blog is out of commission and I don’t know when it will be back. I need to install a mail server to get it to work (I think) and I haven’t had time to do so yet. Who knows when that feature will be back, but until then, please use the ‘Subscribe to Feed’ button at the top-left to subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed.
Second, my domain has changed. The blog is now found at
I’ve made this change so we can manage future projects at the root URL. Right now, however, if you go directly to, you will be redirected to the blog.
Please update your blogroll if you’re linking to me.
Thirdly, all of my permalinks are broken and I just can’t figure out how to fix it. This means that any links you had to my blog that looked like this:
will no longer work. My blog posts will, unfortunately, be linked only by their post numbers, like this:
Lames, I realize, but as I say, I haven’t found a fix that works. Let me know if you have any ideas. I’d love to implement a fix at a future date.
There have been a few cosmetic changes and will likely be more in the future. Otherwise, I think that’s it. Please let me know if you find any errors. Thanks for reading and keep those comments coming!