I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 5, 2007

Nursery painted

Filed under: Amy,Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 12:47 pm

Sunday Amy and I finished the second coat on the nursery walls. Here’s us, proud of our work.
Painted nursery

And here’s a shot from this morning in bright sunlight. It’s not really this yellow. Honest.
Bright Yellow

November 4, 2007

Painting the Nursery

Filed under: Ali,Amy,Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 10:40 am

Our crew chief:
Ali Arty

With much patience on the part of Amy and Ali, we figured out an approach to decorating the nursery. Dave and I had already picked out the Magic Garden crib set from Litto Kids, so all the colors the girls and I choose are designed around it.

For the walls we went with a pale yellow with brown undertones that is kin to the yellow in the print. It looked like cake batter and we all had to remind ourselves it wasn’t so that we wouldn’t lick our fingers.

Cake Batter

I was so thankful they were here to help, and we got the first coat on the walls Saturday night!

Dave Paints

Amy Paints

Introducing the baby to the paint.
Baby meets paint

October 29, 2007

Halfway there!

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 9:16 am

I’m now twenty weeks pregnant, which means I’m halfway there. If that sounds confusing (because 40 weeks = ten months) it’s because pregnancy is counted from the first day of your menstrual cycle, which means that for two of those 40 weeks you are definitely not pregnant. The age of the fetus at birth should be 38 weeks.

It’s typically considered a nine month process because you deliver nine months after you discover you’re pregnant. But according to the doctors, it’s ten months. Add to that the fact that most months aren’t exactly four weeks long. Frankly, I still find it confusing so I stick with weeks rather than months. 🙂

October 23, 2007

It’s a boy!

Filed under: Babies,Blogging — JeniQ @ 1:49 pm

Did you hear? We’re having a boy!

Read more about it at my pregnancy journal.

October 12, 2007

Two New Pages

Filed under: Babies,Blogging — JeniQ @ 7:00 am

Greetings Friends & Readers & Lurkers,

I wanted to note two pages I’ve added recently to my bloggy.

First, there is the Subscriptions page. If you want an easy way to know when the blog has been updated, you can simply subscribe to the blog. A notice including a snippet of content is emailed directly to you (though, for some reason, pictures are not included). Nice and convenient, especially since I fixed the outbound mailer. Hooray for my techno-skillz.

Second, I’ve added a page for my Pregnancy Ticker. This will give you a visual representation of the countdown, and also links to my Pregnancy Blog on Vox. Most of my pregnancy commentary and content is going to be on that blog. Tomorrow makes 18 weeks, which is 4 1/2 months! Wow!

I hope you enjoy these two new features. If you have any problems with the Subscriptions feature, let me know.


September 21, 2007

Austin, Part 4

Filed under: Babies,Dogs,Friends,Meals & Food,Travel,Vacation — JeniQ @ 10:18 pm




The star of the show, of course, is little Evan. We spent the weekend entertaining him and he is just cute as a button. He is a water baby and loved time with the pool and the hose. While we were there, he ate his first piece of meat (deli turkey), had his first piece of toast, and said his first word (cow). He is definitely a handful but clearly a delight to his proud mama and papa. Speaking of which, here are our happy hosts at our lunch at the Salt Lick, an Austin-area institution.

A lovely dinner Monica prepared for us!

Giving Fin the love he deserves

Grayson getting the same love

We had a great, very relaxing time and loved seeing Scott, Monica, Evan and the whole farm!

September 9, 2007


Filed under: Babies,Blogging — JeniQ @ 12:50 pm

I feel like not everybody went to check out this link. You really should. 🙂


September 4, 2007


Filed under: Babies,Blogging — JeniQ @ 9:58 am

My favorite new site, check it out.

August 25, 2007

Family Photos

Filed under: Babies,Family,Travel — JeniQ @ 12:39 pm

Jeni and Dawn – aren’t we cute?

Jonathan (my brother) and Jeni

Dave and Jeni 

Nolan is a HAM

Nolan and Jonah, sacked out in the car

Jonah and his iPhone

Jonah loves his Uncle Dave

August 13, 2007


Filed under: Babies,Birds,Death — JeniQ @ 9:38 am

Of the four birds in our last clutch of bluebird eggs, one bird did not fledge and died in the nest. Dave was a good man and got rid of it. Bit of a sad note to end the breeding season on, but the bluebirds did have 14 successful chicks, so that’s not too shabby.

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