I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 8, 2008

Newborns visit relatives as cuddly rice bags

Filed under: Babies,Stumble Upon — JeniQ @ 4:09 pm

Funny article

Rice Baby

January 1, 2008

Baby Shower

Filed under: Babies,Gifties — JeniQ @ 12:33 pm

Mom and Leslie threw Dave and I a baby shower with close family and friends on Saturday. It was terrific! We had a nice buffet breakfast plus cake! Awesome!! Plus, we made out with lots of loot. Thanks to everyone who came, we appreciate all our gifts!

Unopened gifts
Our unopened pile of gifts

The cake!
Sugar Rush

Opening gifts
Opening gifts

Amber predicts the baby’s name
Amber predicts the baby

Baby Browns jersey
Baby Browns Jersey

Our pile of loot!
Our loot

The baby Browns jersey fits Marmalade perfectly!
The baby Browns jersey fits Marmalade perfectly!

December 24, 2007

Nursery Updates

Filed under: Babies,Decorating,Gifties — JeniQ @ 10:50 am

We got our first shower gift! How exciting! We asked for the Margo Pack N Play from Graco because it was well reviewed, affordable, and cute! It’s sage green with teal blue accents, and includes a bassinet as well as a changing station. We’re expecting this to be the baby’s temporary home between birth and whenever we put him in his crib.

I set it up all by myself and figured this would be the first in many experiences of “Insert Part A into Slot Z.” We’ve had it inspected by the cats and they seem to approve. I wonder just how much they’ll be in it once the baby arrives? They didn’t seem to want to stay there when we put them in it.
Playpen 1
Playpen 2

We also cleared out the room and tried to get a feel for how we’ll lay out the furnishings.

The shelves I painted will probably end up acting as a window seat to store books and toys.
Nursery Shelves

We got our crib set! It’s gorgeous and includes a bumper, skirt, quilt and crib sheet. And look at these cool plant stands Dave found that match the pattern so perfectly!
Crib set

we also got the crib mattress! When we bought the crib from ChildSpace, we got a credit towards the purchase of a mattress. We choose the highly rated Classica II foam mattress by Colgate. With our credit, we got a good deal on it.
Crib Mattress
Our crib will hopefully be in by February, but I’m still not getting my hopes up.

We got a changing table today for cheap off of Craig’s List.
Changing Table

It’s in really good condition but could use repainting, which means more fun for me. Interestingly enough, the people we bought it from are from Lakewood and Westlake (Ohio), which makes them practically neighbors to Dave’s family. In fact, the guy remembers Dave’s sister from grade school. Why is EVERYBODY from Cleveland?!

Last, but definitely not least, Tyra gave me her glider and ottoman as an early shower gift. It’s gorgeous and matches the room perfectly. I will have pictures to post soon.

All in all, things are coming along pretty well!

December 12, 2007


Filed under: Babies,Shopping — JeniQ @ 8:40 am

I spent the weekend trying to get our registries in order. I was surprised at how long it took. I spent lots of time learning all about the different brands and options and trying to read product reviews as well. With the help of Baby Bargains and Parents Baby Gear, along with the InterWebs and sneaking a peak at Ele’s registries, I think we’re in pretty good shape.
We’re now registered at Babies-R-Us, Target and MyRegistry.com. All you parents out there, please let me know if I’ve missed something important or registered for something really, really dumb. I’ve never done this before. 🙂

December 6, 2007

100 Days and Counting

Filed under: Babies,Blogging — JeniQ @ 8:06 am

According to the countdown ticker I created on my Pregnancy Blog, we have less than 100 days to go!!

December 2, 2007

Meeting Finn

Filed under: Babies,Ele — JeniQ @ 10:17 pm

I’ve been waiting for Ele to post to her blog because I forgot to take my camera when we went to meet Finn. This little man is so cute. And getting to hear all of Will and Ele’s stories was just terrific. Definitely helpful, not scary.

Check out our photos here.

To whet your appetite I’m posting this so-so-cute picture of Finn.


Our Crib!

Filed under: Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 9:57 pm

Granma has graciously offered to get our crib for us, and we all went out on Black Friday to shop around. We thought we had found the one we wanted, but on a return visit this weekend, we found one we liked better.

And on Saturday we placed the order for our crib! Not sure when it will be here, they quoted 8-12 weeks to arrive. It’s by Baby’s Dream and it’s the stationary Infinity crib. We got it in the Chestnut color, shown below.

BD Infinity

November 23, 2007


Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 10:32 pm

I think we might like it. 🙂
Crib Possibility
And it comes in 20 different colors! Yowza!
Crib Possibility 2
Crib Possibility 3
Crib Possibility 4

November 21, 2007

Baby Gifts

Filed under: Alba,Ali,Babies,Cristin,Gifties — JeniQ @ 5:12 pm

We’ve started getting baby gifts!

This is the first gift we got for the baby, from a co-worker. She took great pains to say the name several times – it sounds funny!!
It’s a lovely, soft blanket in bright colors from IKEA. Yay!

Barnslig Prickar

Then Cristin gave me Toby socks!!!!! What can I even say? LOVES!!!!!!!

Toby Socks

And my friend Alba sent me this adorable fleece poncho from Colombia, along with some soft fuzzy socks for me and coffee for Dave. She thought of the whole family, I’m impressed!


And last, but totally not least, is this ADORABLE sock-cat from Ali. 1) Whoever thought to make a sock-monkey in cat form was SMRT. 2) I think someone’s going to have to start giving me synonyms for “adorable” at some point in the near future.

Sock Cat

Thank you all!!!!

November 11, 2007

The View from Here

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 10:26 pm

My view at 22 weeks

View from here

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