I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 15, 2008

Breastfeeding: It’s not as easy as it looks

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 5:54 pm

I’ve been consumed with learning how to breastfeed for the past two weeks. Breastfeeding isn’t easy – it’s not natural or automatic like you might think. Also, the baby isn’t born knowing how to suckle. It’s understandable that people give up after only a few days – it is a really frustrating when it doesn’t go right.

I suggest if you are trying to breastfeed, don’t give up! Ask for help. Get a lactation consultant. Ask for more help. Talk to your friends about their experiences. And realize that it’s totally normal to struggle with it. It’s taken about two weeks for me to get the hang of it.

February 29, 2008


Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 10:13 pm

Well, unless I have the world’s shortest labor, it looks like we won’t be having a leap year baby. If we did have a leap year baby, he’d age at 1/4 the speed of everyone else! How cool would that be?

Leap Year

February 15, 2008

Online Baby Pool!

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 11:35 pm

In light of our latest doctor visit, we decided to post an online Baby Pool so you can guess at the date and time of the birth of and the weight and length of Baby Dickens.

So click the link below and go vote!

Thanks to the folks at ExpectNet for creating a free, online baby pool. Here’s info from their website:

How is the winner calculated?
ExpectNet calculates an overall winner and a winner in each category (closest to length, weight, and birth date and time). To calculate the overall rankings, penalty points from each category are totalled. The default points are assigned as follows:
birth date & time: 5 points/hour
weight: 5 points/ounce or 0.2 points/gram
length: 10 points/inch or 4 points/centimeter

The winner is the person with the fewest points.

February 8, 2008

All Have Arrived

Filed under: Babies,Visitors — JeniQ @ 7:52 pm

Dave and Amy made it home safely!
Amy enjoys a class of wine

Ian plays around on the playmat.


January 31, 2008

Ladies Who Lunch

Filed under: Babies,Ele,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:55 am

I can’t highly enough recommend a very long lunch at a fancy cafe with girlfriends to soothe the soul. Especially on a workday. 🙂

On Tuesday, I met with new mommies Ele and Molly and babies Finn and Cooper at the cafe at Nordstrom to have their tasty chicken caesar.

It was awesome getting to catch up with the girls – I haven’t seen Molly since Ele’s baby shower and it’s been about 5 weeks since I’d seen Ele and Finn. We chatted babies and transitions and pregnancy, even a little L&D. I definitely felt better seeing what it’s like on the other side, and knowing that I can do it, too! 🙂


Funny Face on Finn

Molly and Cooper


January 28, 2008

More Adorable

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 7:28 am

This so-so-cute outfit from Nordstrom was in the collection of stuff Jan gave me. It even has a matching little knit hat!

Doggie Outfit

January 27, 2008

Nearly Complete

Filed under: Babies,Decorating — JeniQ @ 11:27 pm

This was another good weekend for getting the nursery prepped! It looks like the crib won’t be here in time for the shower, which is disappointing, but that’s OK. The baby won’t need it when he comes home as he’ll be in the pack and play at first.

Our big project was adding more shelves to the closet in the nursery. We really needed a better way to use that space, so we added more ventilated shelving to the single full length shelf that already existed.
Nursery Closet - Right

Nursery Closet - Left

We also hung this fabulous mirror that my brother gave me when I was in college. It’s a gorgeous grain and color of wood, and I think it’ll match the crib really well.
Mirror in Nursery

Then we hung up the shelves that I painted last week. This picture doesn’t show everything, but you can see a few of the shelves. The glider, from Tyra, looks great after I steam-cleaned it last weekend, too. And the red shelves that make up the window seat are almost completely finished.
Decorated Nursery

The changing table is all done, too, and I’m really happy with how it turned out.
Painted Changing Table

I think things are really coming together! I also washed a bunch of laundry this weekend – baby clothes and burp cloths, etc. I had an entire laundry basket full of baby clothes courtesy of Jan, a friend at work. She gave them to me in little increments over time, so when I put them all together, I was stunned at how much there was! And there was another full laundry basket of baby clothes and blankets from our first shower. We have all these adorable baby clothes now, it’s crazy! Thank goodness we have someplace to put them all. 🙂

Baby Gifts!!

Filed under: Babies,Gifties — JeniQ @ 11:05 pm

Gifts have started to arrive for our upcoming baby shower!

Some of this stuff arrived courtesy of Monica.
Gifts have arrived!
Should we unpack them or leave them in the boxes? I’m not sure.

It looks like we also got our Hooter Hider, which was delivered last week, but I haven’t opened it yet.

And Dave’s mom sent us the Fisher-Price Rainforest Open-Top Cradle Swing. Dave’s already put it together and it’s awesome!
Rain Forest Swing

Pregnancy & Baby Books

Filed under: Babies,Books — JeniQ @ 10:03 pm

I’ve gotten several nice books from friends over the course of my pregnancy. Thank you all!

What to Expect when You’re Expecting
From more than one person!

The Parent’s Guide to Family Friendly Work
From our good friend Julie.

Belly Laughs
From Monica.
Belly Laughs

The Happiest Baby on the Block
From Monica. Actually, this one is one that Lindsay recommended to me when she had her first baby. When Monica had her baby last year, I got her the book and the DVD on the promise that she’d turn them over to me when it was my turn. 🙂

Those all added to the collection we had amassed at the last two Library book sales.

January 18, 2008

Birthing Classes

Filed under: Babies,Blogging — JeniQ @ 10:04 am

I’ve posted about our first two birthing classes over on my pregnancy blog.

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