Cristin gave me this beautiful piece of handmade artwork for Christmas.
I just framed it today. It looks amazing, frankly, with the peeking yellow mat and hot pink aluminum frame. Go me, and go Cristin!
Thanks, boo!
Cristin gave me this beautiful piece of handmade artwork for Christmas.
I just framed it today. It looks amazing, frankly, with the peeking yellow mat and hot pink aluminum frame. Go me, and go Cristin!
Thanks, boo!
A completely random spam email I got this morning at work. I kinda like it.
I’ll take the position
assume the missionary part
you work by committee
you had me pegged from the start.
I’ll be pounce pony
phony maroney
pony before the cart.
I’ll be pounce pony.
this ceremony
only fills my heart.
who cast the final stone?
who threw the crushing blow?
someone has to take the fall
why not me?
a punch toy volunteer
a weakling on its knee.
is all you want to hear
and all you want to see.
romantically, you’d martyr me
and miss this story’s point
it is my strength, my destiny
this is the role that I have chosen.
I loved this card when I received it from my friend Jenny. I just couldn’t throw it away. Instead, I decided to recycle it and pass along the pretty. I’ve just found the perfect frame for it and I’m giving it to Ele, who has a thing for birds. I hope she likes it!
Henry’s first art piece. I call it “The Mermaid and the Sailor.” The sailor sits on a rock, bereft and forlorn, as the mermaid reaches her arms out longingly for him.
Medium: Kool-Aid on craft paper
A few weeks before we went to Portland to visit my family, there was an article in the N&O about being “Carless in Portland.” In one part of the article, the article mentions the public art project in the Pearl district.
You’re probably familiar with the public art projects that have been cropping up in major cities the last 10 years or so. The city will pick an icon, such as a wolf, a catfish, or a mermaid, then ask local artists to paint these oversized beasts and place them throughout the city. At the end of a specified period of time, they have an auction for all the beasties. Well, Portland, a city where it’s not uncommon to see bumper stickers that say “Keep Portland Weird,” decided to do it a little differently.
According to the website for the horse project, the artist Scott Wayne Indiana “knew about the horse rings in many Portland sidewalks and thought it was a shame that we don’t tie our horses to them anymore. Scott decided to change that and tied his first pony to a horse ring in the fall of 2005 in the revitalized Pearl District in Northwest Portland.”
I had told my brother about it, and sort of wanted to hit the Pearl to find a pony. But my brother and his wife, who’ve lived there for years, had never heard of the horse project before. Our last night there, we were finally in the Pearl district, wandering our way toward dinner when look what I found!
Everyone else had already walked by it when I spotted it. I was so happy!! The best part is that they want you to help. So if you live in Portland, go adopt a ring, donate a steel cable tie, and put out your own horse!
See more photos at the all the tiny horses pdx photo pool on Flickr.
I liked the juxtaposition of the green and black stools with the black and green shirts. Cristin, where were you with your mad photograhy skills?
Saturday afternoon we went to Artsplosure! It was a cute little art festival held in downtown Raleigh. I bought some earrings from a guy who makes them out of spoons, knives and forks. Fun!
And we saw this cool owl and hawk. Then to the Flying Saucer for dinner, and to continue drinking.
And yeah, there were some Civil War reenactors there, so we got their picture with KerBear. 🙂
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