I love Ruth. Check her out in this short clip of geeky costumes. You’ll be sad if you miss this.
November 1, 2007
Dave comes home today, and Amy arrives this evening. Ali will be here tomorrow. Super excited about having Dave back home and my fun company, as well.
What have I done to prepare for their arrival? The house is impeccable! The cleaners came this week and I’ve also done the following:
- changed all the bed linens, washed and put up the old bed linens
- changed all the towels, washed and put up the old towels
- steam cleaned the carpets where the cats pooped
- changed the litter boxes so they’re fresh as a daisy
- vacuumed the living room furniture
- washed all the downstairs throw rugs
- evacuated several mice from the garage
- cleaned out my car, vacuumed it and washed the windows
Everything’s looking very nice. Now I just hope the cats don’t have a kegger this morning and ruin it all.
October 31, 2007
Three Blind(?) Mice
Three more overnight. Ally, I’ll have to not set the trap out again until this weekend or we might just get rid of them all before you get here! I can hope, anyway.
I took them to the same place to release them.
October 30, 2007
Mice Update
It turns out, unless you release the mice quite far away from your domicile, they might find their way back! This according to my boss, who is wise in the way of such things. So I started marking the mice with paint to see if I was just re-catching the same mice. I have recaught one, which tells me that I’m not dropping them off quite far enough away from the house.
This morning there were two mice in the bucket, one which had a paint mark. See it on the bottom mouse?
So I took them with me on the way to work. It was about a 12 mile drive, though probably half that as the crow flies. I released them into the woods. Run, little dudes, run!
October 29, 2007
Halfway there!
I’m now twenty weeks pregnant, which means I’m halfway there. If that sounds confusing (because 40 weeks = ten months) it’s because pregnancy is counted from the first day of your menstrual cycle, which means that for two of those 40 weeks you are definitely not pregnant. The age of the fetus at birth should be 38 weeks.
It’s typically considered a nine month process because you deliver nine months after you discover you’re pregnant. But according to the doctors, it’s ten months. Add to that the fact that most months aren’t exactly four weeks long. Frankly, I still find it confusing so I stick with weeks rather than months. 🙂
October 28, 2007
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Science Fiction Double Feature!!
Had a great time at the Rocky Horror with Cristin and Kerri. Lots of crazy insane people out, especially because it was the Friday prior to Halloween. You can see the pictures at Cristin’s photo stream (start here) but here is my favorite.
These two had terrific Hot Fuzz costumes – they nearly won the Costume Contest. I was trying to get them to look like they’d arrested me but they actually seemed uncomfortable with that.
And here’s us girls!! Damn we’re cute!
There are more great pictures so follow the link above to see all of the action shots from the film, not to mention the boy who looks like David Bowie at 15!!
October 27, 2007
Fun Friday!
What a fun Friday night I had! Cristin came over after work and we decided it was good enough weather to attempt to recreate the back cover of Ziggy Stardust. It took us over an hour to get ready and we were so dolled up by the time we left the house! We headed up to Brier Creek for the photo shoot as we needed one of those red British telephone boxes. Imagine our dismay when we discovered that the damn doors don’t open! What? Why?!?!? I was so annoyed I was laughing.
Regardless, we looked hot. So we went to Champa for sushi dinner. Yum.
After dinner, we met up with Kerri and went to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show. More on that to come!
October 26, 2007
October 25, 2007
Caught You!
I used Will’s great idea for a humane mousetrap after finding a mouse in our garage recently. They love the bird seed so I put an inch of birdseed at the bottom of a straight-sided bucket and left it out for them, buffet style.
It worked!
This little guy was quite active and very close to jumping over the sides, but couldn’t quite make it. I took the bucket up the street and let him go in a natural area away from the houses. I am so happy with this solution!