I spent the weekend trying to get our registries in order. I was surprised at how long it took. I spent lots of time learning all about the different brands and options and trying to read product reviews as well. With the help of Baby Bargains and Parents Baby Gear, along with the InterWebs and sneaking a peak at Ele’s registries, I think we’re in pretty good shape.
We’re now registered at Babies-R-Us, Target and MyRegistry.com. All you parents out there, please let me know if I’ve missed something important or registered for something really, really dumb. I’ve never done this before. 🙂
December 12, 2007
December 9, 2007
Is that even a word? Apropros to my previous post, some religious license plates for your viewing pleasure.
This one had a very large “Jesus is the Beginning and End” sticker on the back window with alpha and omega symbols.
I have very strong feelings against proselytizing. I had some very bad experiences in college that really put me off having open and honest discussions about religion and beliefs. Which is weird – I used to pride myself on that sort of thing. Definitely a touchy subject with me.
Friday Night Out
Dave and I decided at the last minute on Friday to go see The Golden Compass. What a good movie – fun, entertaining, creative, scary, sweet, etc. And pretty violent, so think twice before taking the kiddies to see it. There seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding this movie. Being pretty open to new ideas and not being particularly religious, I don’t get it. So I have no opinion to add. Instead I’ll share with you Thomas’s thoughts on the matter – he seems pretty sensible.
Afterwards, we hit the Lynnwood Grill for beers. Can you believe there was a wait? But we didn’t have to wait because Mom and Gene were already there, so we sat down with them! They stayed until they finished their beers, then headed home.
I love hanging out with Kerri and Dave! They’re both such funny people, and they seem to fuel each other’s funny. I don’t ever laugh as hard as when I’m out with these two.
Before we left, the live music started. Here’s my favorite composition of the night.
December 7, 2007
I is Famous!
Check out the news story!!
Me being famous link is here.
Original post is here.
And referenced picture is here.
December 6, 2007
Me! ME! ME! ME! meme
Stewie sent me these questions back in April. I hope I got them right!
When, how and why did you get involved with worm bins?
I have always thought about composting, but was never really exposed to it. Now that we own our own house, I thought it was time we started getting involved. I saw an ad in the paper for a workshop about composting offered by the City of Raleigh. I sat through 45 minutes of learning about the math and science that is involved with composting, thinking “This isn’t for me!” until Bianca touched on vermicomposting in the last 10 minutes of her talk. I was hooked. Ever since then, I’ve been encouraging others to get involved and helping people like you and Sean get your own bins started.
How did you fall in love with David Bowie?
I’ve been obsessed with David Bowie since at least 12, but I don’t remember how it all started. I know it was it was pre-Labyrinth. I really have no idea what started it. I’m not sure what the attraction was. Except that he’s GORGEOUS and HOT and I LOVE HIM!!
When you were little, what was your favorite pastime and why?
I don’t remember much about my childhood but I did love exploring the woods outside my home in Independence, Virginia. It was so full of wonder and imagination. The other really cool thing was getting up on Christmas mornings. I’m not sure what my dad did to make it all seem so magical, but boy, it was. It seemed that everything was coated with fairy dust or something. I only hope I can capture some of that for the little person we’re growing right now!
How did you meet your husband?
Dave and I met through a mutual friend when I was dating the evil ex-boyfriend. I didn’t give him a second thought because I was with somebody, but once I moved out on my own, I had a housewarming party and he showed up with my friend. That’s when I noticed how cute he was. The cute part to this story is that my mutual friend, Stephanie, met her husband through me! He was my boss at the time. Yay!
Is there anything that people assume about you that’s totally wrong?
I drive a Subaru Forester and I tend to say things like “You shouldn’t litter” and “Don’t let the water run when you’re brushing your teeth.” So my car and my “green streak” has lots of people thinking I’m either a lesbian or a vegetarian or both. I am not either.
Thanks Stew! It was fun even though I was half a year late.
So if you want to play along and now be interviewed by me, please leave me a comment or send an email saying: “Interview me.”
* I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
* You will update your weblog with the answers to the questions.
* You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
* Then others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions and so on.
100 Days and Counting
According to the countdown ticker I created on my Pregnancy Blog, we have less than 100 days to go!!
December 4, 2007
New and New
Dinner and half of a movie
Cristin came over for dinner on Monday night for a Bowie movie-fest, sort of. I was thinking we’d watch the DVD commentary on Labyrinth, but instead we watched several of the “making of” docs.
And then I ran around for like an hour copying some CDs for her while she played on the computer and entertained the cats. And then we watched the first 30 minutes of The Hunger, which is not really very good, not to mention we watched the ancient VHS copy-of-a-copy I own that is very bad quality. But we got to see cute, young David Bowie in the shower scene, so woo-hoo for us! We were up too late but it was fun indeed!!
I made us dinner, sauteed chicken with a lemon-rosemary sauce served with rice and scalded green beans. Yummers!
And Cristin brought over some awesome and chocolatey ice cream cupcakes from Maggie Moo’s. I ate two because I am unstoppable.
And the cats seemed content to amuse us with their funny sleeping positions.