I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

March 15, 2008

Breastfeeding: It’s not as easy as it looks

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 5:54 pm

I’ve been consumed with learning how to breastfeed for the past two weeks. Breastfeeding isn’t easy – it’s not natural or automatic like you might think. Also, the baby isn’t born knowing how to suckle. It’s understandable that people give up after only a few days – it is a really frustrating when it doesn’t go right.

I suggest if you are trying to breastfeed, don’t give up! Ask for help. Get a lactation consultant. Ask for more help. Talk to your friends about their experiences. And realize that it’s totally normal to struggle with it. It’s taken about two weeks for me to get the hang of it.

March 14, 2008

Henry Pictures & Video

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 12:06 pm

Some new Henry pictures

Henry sidelying

Henry in Crib, in Browns Jersey

Faux Hawk

And here are some videos, hosted on YouTube

March 12, 2008

Jaundice Update

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 3:30 pm

I’m happy to report that as of yesterday afternoon, Henry’s bilirubin score was 12.7, which is great! He’s off the billy blanket and simply needs to go back in for final check tomorrow to make sure that the level hasn’t rebounded.

He’s feeding more vigorously, and he’s waking us up to be fed. He’s even staying awake a bit after feeding, opening his eyes and checking out his surroundings.

So hooray! We’ve got ourselves a little baby who’s going to give us many sleepless nights just like last night. 🙂

March 10, 2008

Open House

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 2:10 pm

Wow, our first week with the baby has passed – Henry is already a week old!
In Browns Jersey onesie

Dave’s parents left on Sunday and he started back to work today, so it’s just me and the little man hanging out on the couch right now.

That means if you’ve been wanting to come visit, the time is at hand! If you want to have girl time and sit around with the baby, I’d recommend dropping by during the day if at all possible. If you want to visit with both Dave and I then you can visit in the evening. Regardless of which is better for you, just call or email me to make sure I’m up and around.

Also, if you drop by, we’d love it if you’d bring some food. Food preparation isn’t high on my list of priorities but I’m the primary cook in the house, so right now any contributions you could make would be really appreciated!

Can’t wait to see you soon!
Jeni & Henry

March 9, 2008


Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 2:33 pm

Henry just did his first “pee straight up in the air” trick while getting changed! Time for the pee pee teepees!

March 8, 2008

Family Portrait

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 11:19 pm

One big happy family!

One big happy family

Six Days Old: An Update

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 1:34 am

It is 1:34 AM on Saturday morning, marking the 6 day anniversary of Henry‘s entrance into the world. It’s high time you had an update.

Henry was diagnosed with jaundice while he was still in the hospital. Six out of ten babies suffer from jaundice, so it’s quite a common condition. Also, Henry was a vacuum extraction baby which caused significant bruising to the top of his head – this can increase the chances of getting jaundice. So we weren’t too surprised when he was diagnosed.

The treatment for jaundice is to use a colored light called phototherapy. This helps break down the extra material which is building up in the body that the liver can’t process. In order for this treatment to work, however, the baby has to eat and poop – only through pooping can he rid his body of the extraneous cells which cause the jaundice.

However, a side effect of jaundice is a sleepy, sluggish baby. So you are presented with a Catch-22. The jaundiced baby needs to eat (and poop) frequently, but the jaundiced baby is so sleepy that it’s hard to interest them in eating.

Add to that scenario a lack of experience with breastfeeding on both the mother and baby’s part, and you have a situation where it can be difficult and frustrating to feed the baby with no obvious solution to the jaundice.

That’s where we were a day ago. Henry learned how to nurse on Tuesday, thanks to Joan, an amazing nurse who spent hours with us teaching both me and the baby how to achieve a good latch. However, it was difficult to practice because he would fall asleep after only 5 minutes of nursing. On Wednesday we met with the lactation consultant, Spring, who explained the effects that the jaundice was having on our nursing. It was great to have this explained to us – kept me from taking it personally. She recommended buying a pump and attempting to bottle feed the baby. This would help me feel better physically (it did!), and it meant that Henry would get a steady supply of food, making him poop and relieving the jaundice.

Once we came home on Wednesday, we spent Wednesday night waking the baby every 2-3 hours to feed him expressed milk by bottle. He would fall right back asleep after feedings but at least he was getting food, which helped make me feel better. His doctor’s appointment on Thursday found his jaundice levels still high, so the doctor prescribed a “billy blanket” for the phototherapy and requested we keep his digestive system moving. Thursday night we went back to nursing, rather than bottle feeding, as I was beginning to be quite panicked about the effects of “nipple confusion.” He was not eating as much with breastfeeding as he was with bottle feeding, however, so he was not gaining weight and wasn’t pooping enough. We went back to the doctor on Friday. Henry’s jaundice levels were improving, though not in the clear. The doctor encouraged us to supplement nursing with bottle feeding expressed milk. Friday night (tonight) we combined both breastfeeding and bottle feeding and I think the little guy may have just turned a corner, thanks to the blanket and the consistent feeding!

As of 3 AM, he was actually fussy! This is a remarkable change from the endless sleeping he’s done since we met him. He appears to be waking himself about every two hours, presumably to eat. When he eats, he suckles for at least 10 minutes at a stretch, and in the past 12 hours has nursed for as long as 30 minutes at a stretch. He’s having his 6-8 wet diapers every day and his poops are starting to get that mustard yellow color.

We have an appointment on Sunday to get his jaundice levels checked. I am feeling hopeful that he’ll show marked improvement and we can take him off his billy blanket soon. I also think we’re getting the hang of breastfeeding and we can stop supplementing.


March 7, 2008

Our Crib has arrived!

Filed under: Decorating — JeniQ @ 11:51 pm

After months of patiently and impatiently waiting, our crib arrived! Dave and his dad put it together last night.

It is gorgeous and fits perfectly in the room.

Dave made the bed, with the skirt and bumpers. Perfect!

And here’s Henry’s new stuffed lion, courtesy of Granma Sue.

My Birth Story

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 12:09 pm

Here’s the story of Henry’s birth. He arrived two weeks early.

The short, edited version

After lunch on Saturday, I awoke after a nap to discover I was losing my mucuous plug. Around 5:30 PM my water broke. We got to the hospital around 6:30 and by 7 PM I was at 1.5 cm. I labored with Dave walking around and swaying on the birthing ball until around 9:45, by which point I had dilated to 4 cm. I requested the epidural at this point, and it was administered by 10:30 PM. By 11 PM I was dilated to 9 cm. By 11:30 PM I started pushing.

I pushed for about an hour and a half and I was in a lot of pain. The baby was facing sideways, not face-down, so he was very difficult to maneuver. After one and a half hours of pushing, we opted for the vacuum extraction, which unfortunately required an episiotomy. It took another hour of pushing to get him out. It hurt a whole lot. Pushing sucks.

Regardless of all that, our precious little Henry was born at 1:34 AM on Sunday morning, March 2nd. He was placed on my chest and I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Dave got to cut the cord and then went with Henry to the nursery where he got cleaned up while I recovered. We got to our hospital room around 3:30 AM and finally got to sleep around 4 AM. We began our busy day around 7 AM.

Now, here is a more detailed, more graphic version. Read at your own risk.


Online Baby Pool Winner

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 9:07 am

Tracey won the baby pool!! She had the closest time with a guess of March 2nd, 2:24 am, which meant she was off by only 50 minutes. Congratulations, Tracey!

Shannon was the closest guesser in the weight category, with a guess of 7 lbs 3 ozs, off only by 2 ounces.

Thanks to everybody who guessed!

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