I can’t keep apologizing for not posting to the blog, but I do feel bad about being so sparse with content. I’ll try to absolve myself of all sins and use this post as a catch-up. Here’s what’s new over the past two weeks.
Regarding Henry’s health, we have good news. As of Wednesday, his weight was 7 pounds, 6 ounces, up from both his birth weight of 7 pounds, 1 ounce and the nadir of 6 pounds, 3 ounces. So hooray for our little boy. He’s eating like a champ and gaining weight and we’re so proud of him.
Oh, and the other night he slept nearly through the night, waking only at 3 AM and then again at 6 AM. It was like a miracle. It didn’t last, though. The next night he had us up every 2 hours again. Oh well, it’s a sign of things to come, I imagine.
A week ago Cristin and Matt came over for dinner and brought a huge lasagna. We had a nice meal that night and enough leftovers for two more meals – and it was some yummy lasagna! Cristin has blogged about it here and posted her really great pictures on Flickr here.
Here’s a cute picture of them that I took:

Tyra has come by several times to visit and brought the girls by once to deliver homemade chocolate chip cookies. She loves looking at that little teeny baby and the girls love chasing the cats around the house. Tyra also provided us with some tasty prepared dinners that will definitely come in handy.

Lots of people have sent gifts, adorable onensies and checks and other good things – thank you all! If you haven’t gotten your thank you card yet, please be patient. It’s coming!
My great aunt and uncle also came to meet the baby and gave him a full set of onesies bedecked with froggies – too cute. Granma, they can’t wait to see you next time you visit.

Lessee, Henry and I took our first ever stroller walk last week. Here he is getting ready to be pushed.

Dave and I went to dinner at El Rodeo and Waraji with Henry and he was quite well behaved at both restaurants. We also went to breakfast at Camille’s and spent an hour or so walking through the flea market with Kerri last weekend.
And Neil was in from Dallas so he got to visit as well.

Mom got to feeling better so she spent some time visiting, too.

Well, the baby’s crying so I have to go feed him. I’ll post more when I have time!