I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 9, 2008


Filed under: Visitors — JeniQ @ 11:23 am

I am so excited! Monica is coming to visit for a few days! I am hopeful that we can get some projects done while she’s here. Ok that’s not the most exciting thing to do with visitors, but the way I see it, she doesn’t have to go to work like Dave does. The projects I had in mind were cleaning out my closet and reorganizing my clothes as well as a few other “clean out” type of projects. (I am having a rather unpleasant dilemma with my clothes right now as I can’t fit into pre pregnancy pants as my thighs are too big and I can’t fit into pre pregnancy tops because my boobs are too big.) I’m sure we’ll manage to fit in some drinking and eating and other fun activities as well. I am super excited!

April 3, 2008

9 pounds

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 9:50 pm

He’s a month old and he now weighs nine pounds!! And the “Five S’s” work on him!

Cayce and Henry

Filed under: Cats,Henry — JeniQ @ 9:40 pm

Can’t leave out this precious photo

Cayce inspects Henry

Henry photos + video

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 9:37 pm

I can’t keep coming up with clever titles for Henry pictures. Anyway, here are some more pictures.

Jeni and Henry

Henry in boppy 2

Henry in boppy 1

And a video, too.

Artsy Fartsy

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 9:29 pm

Daddy and Henry
Big hands, little hands

Mommy and Henry
Small hands, littler hands

Henry Sleeps

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 9:24 pm

I just can’t get over how cute he is.
Henry sleeping in bouncy chair

Sometimes when he’s in his room sleeping, I find myself browsing photos of him and watching videos. Because I’m so obsessed with him! That’s a hormonal thing, right?

Aunt Leslie, this swaddler has been very helpful, especially because we can use it when he’s buckled into his car seat!
Henry sleeping in car seat

Kitties & Haircuts

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 9:16 pm

Around this time of year, we take the cats in for their annual vet appointment. They both get their teeth cleaned and get lion cuts.

Billy is cold after his recent clip and so conserves warmth.
Billy Lion Cut

Cayce shows his displeasure.
Cayce lion cut

But somehow manages to relax anyway.
Cayce belly

While he was there, Cayce had two teeth removed! Little ones that we left out for the tooth fairy.

Billy got a clean bill of health for his teeth, but they found other problems during his annual inspection. He had a small tumor near his armpit that was removed. It was a malignant tumor but they feel pretty certain that they got all of it and he shouldn’t be bothered by it anymore. Also, it appeared that he had a bladder stone and so had to go into the vet’s several days later for surgery to remove the stone. No stone was found and at the same time, the vet discovered some very unusual sites on the bladder wall that she suspected indicated bladder cancer. Luckily, it was not bladder cancer but what appears to be some kind of chronic inflamation of the bladder. So hooray because both kitties are safe and sound at home!

Billy in a sweater
Billy has since shed his dapper little sweater.

March 28, 2008

Speaking of Weight

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 2:12 pm

At the peak of my pregnancy, I was just shy of 150 pounds. Almost four weeks after the delivery, I seem to be holding steady at 130 pounds.

Gaining Weight

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 12:38 pm

Yesterday we weighed Henry whilst at the vet’s office (more on that to come) and he was 8 pounds, 6 ounces! Go little guy!!

Mr. Tall

Photo credit

Ele and Finn Visit

Filed under: Babies,Ele,Henry — JeniQ @ 12:35 pm

Ele and I met out at Salsa Fresh earlier this week for a nice cheesy lunch, then we sat on my couch for a few hours feeding the babies, watching the birds and gossiping. She even brought a food donation for the fridge, hooray!

I can’t believe how big Finn is in comparison to Henry. Having been hauling Henry around for a few weeks now, I was really surprised to see that he is actually very teeny!

Finn and Henry

Read Ele’s post here.

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