I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 9, 2009


Filed under: Household — JeniQ @ 10:56 pm

I really, really want a Roomba. With Henry spending so much of his time crawling around on our floors, I love the idea of having the Roomba maintain our carpets, hardwoods and vinyl on a daily basis. I realize that a Roomba does not replace regular vacuuming with an upright. But the idea of having a daily maintenance plan for all the dust, food, cat hair and Jeni hair on our floors just thrills me with delight. (I know, I should get a life.)

Depending on the model, the Roomba will turn on at a specified time, undock itself from its charging station, and then go clean its appointed area. It cautiously beep-beep-beeps as it backs of its dock — how adorable! If it finds areas with higher concentrations of dirt, it will focus on that area. It will switch from carpet to tile to hardwoods effortlessly. When its program is finished, or when the battery is getting low, it will go back to its dock and settle in for a nice recharging nap.

It sounds so lovely. *Sigh*

Of course, it doesn’t always work that way. The 400 model series don’t have a home base to return to, so you have to find the Roomba whereever it died, then plug it in to recharge it. They also don’t have scheduling capabilities. On the other hand, several of the 500 models have known flaws in the design and require a little more frequent maintenance or replacement of parts.

A Roomba with basic features (the Roomba Red) starts at $150, but there is no self-charging home base with that model. The 500 series Roombas, which have more features and more standard accessories, start around $250 and seem to have some enduring flaws. Top-of-the-line Roombas can sell for as much as $550.

On the other hand, there are used Roombas of all flavors on Craigslist, ranging from $75 – $350. Some of these are unopened, new-in-box. Some of them are “gently used” and some are probably two years old or older.

Everything I’ve read about Roombas say pretty much the same thing: “It worked great while it lasted.” That means if I get a new one, it might only last two years before pooping out on me. Which makes paying full price for a new one a bit hard to swallow. On the other hand, if I buy a used one the life expectancy may be significantly shortened, but I won’t be out that much cash. But buying electronics from a person off the street with no warranty protection just seems nutty. Another idea I had was to buy one at full price and use it for a few weeks, then return it. That way I could evaluate just how much I like it and how handy it is. That might help me make a purchase decision.


Cat Photos

Filed under: Cats — JeniQ @ 10:27 pm

Dave says I don’t blog about the cats enough, and he’s right. It’s been a year since I posted pictures of our cats. Here are some cute pictures from the past 365 days.

License Plates 1Q09

Filed under: While Driving — JeniQ @ 10:08 pm

Apparently it’s been a while because I had all of these saved up on my camera.


My personal favorite:


I could think of better presents, but I’m sure it was important at the time.


Not as clever.

Another proud geek.

Don’t you mean “Native American”?

Dunno about this one…

This one also has me perplexed.

And I’m happy I’m behind this person.

Use the Reply box below to add your suggestions!

April 3, 2009

Unique Me

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 9:24 pm

Today I visited the ENT and discovered that the two holes on the roof of my mouth are not common. He didn’t seem worried. Indeed, he was quite nonchalant about the topic, but he did say that it wasn’t normal.
So, I think a poll is in order.

Does anyone out there have some kind of corresponding anatomy?


He seemed to think that it is a congenital “problem” that might be related to a submucous cleft palate. He also thought that there should be no “communication” between my sinuses and my mouth via these holes. But I’m here to tell you that he is wrong – it’s a pathway.

March 29, 2009

Love in Bloom Maternity – Now Open!

Filed under: Ele,Shopping — JeniQ @ 11:28 pm

Love in Bloom

Saturday night, Dave, Henry and I went to the grand opening of Ele’s new store, Love in Bloom Maternity. It was a fabulous affair, like all of Ele’s parties.

Pregnant? You should check out the loads of fabulous clothes and accessories they carry!

Currently Reading

Filed under: Books — JeniQ @ 2:04 pm

Y:The Last Man
Y: The Last Man
I finally finished this 10-book graphic novel.
I really enjoyed it, another success courtesy of Brian K. Vaughn. However, I thought the ending was a little weak. Or just disappointing. I’ve been trying to figure out why and I think it’s the same reason I was disappointed with the end of Battlestar Galactica. But, sorry, no spoilers…
Still, I would unconditionally recommend this series to anyone who wants an easy read full of Pop Culture goodies.

The Watchmen
The Watchmen
I decided I had to read this prior to seeing the film, and I’m glad I did. The movie was nicely done and I thought it was really fun to watch on the big screen. Though I coulda done without blueman’s bits on the screen. I was sad they changed the ending because I really wanted to see the alien, but Dave and I both think the original ending and revised ending both have the same problems. Still, worth watching if only for entertainment purposes. I’d recommend the book, too.

The Happiest Toddler on the Block
Having loved The Happiest Baby on the Block I decided to give this one a try. The premise is that toddlers (1-4) are like little cavemen, whose primitive instincts and gut reactions rule their world. Trying to rationalize with your toddler is not an effective strategy. Karp has a few theories that he presents in a kind of annoying way, where he keeps repeating his points over and over again. Ultimately, the biggest piece of advice he has is about how to communicate with your toddler – by speaking toddler-ese. You know how you talk to a baby by saying “Good! Good job! Cup. You drank from your cup!”? Well, he suggests keeping the same tone and abbreviated syntax when dealing with a negative situation. For example, “Mad! Henry is mad! Play outside! Henry wants to play outside! But no, it’s raining.” It’s totally weird. It feels weird and sounds weird and is so unnatural. But he’s got a point. So far, though, it hasn’t worked for me and Henry. There is a video that goes with this book that I’d like to watch. It’s supposed to help make sense of the book. So, I’d say I’d give this three out of five stars and would recommend with reservations.
Happiest Baby/Toddler

The Wizard of Oz
After having read Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, I feel compelled to read the original. I’ve requested it on audio book from the library and hope it doesn’t let me down. That being said, I’m not sure what my expectations are. I guess I expect that it’s not going to be a musical, and I’m hoping that the story is slightly different from the movie. The last time I watched the movie, I was a bit let down by it all.
Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Son of a Witch
Maguire‘s first Oz novel was certainly engaging enough. There’s no reason not to read the sequel.
Son of a Witch

What are you reading?

March 9, 2009

Henry’s First Birthday

Filed under: Birthday,Henry,Party — JeniQ @ 10:56 pm

We celebrated Henry’s first birthday on Sunday, the day before his birthday (March 2nd). It was so awesome and super fun! Thanks to everyone who made his day special.

Dave’s folks came down and my mom and Gene were there, of course. Unfortunately, my granma got sick the week before and was not able to make it. That’s okay, though, she’ll just get all that Henry-time to herself the next time we see her. We missed having the West Coast contingent of the family but hope to party down with them sometime this summer.

We had a very easy party. I served champagne, wine and beer and a few easy hor dourves that went straight from the freezer to the oven. Dave made this amazing Angel Food cake with orange flavoring, topped with orange-colored Cool Whip and mandarin oranges. Henry’s favorite!

It seemed like everyone was very relaxed and had a good time. As per usual, I felt like I didn’t get to talk to half the people who were there but that’s just how it goes.

Two of Henry’s little friends came over, Sawyer and Finn, with their parents. It was fun to have someone for Henry to share the toys and cake with. And of course, Cristin and Beanie made it, too. The surprise guest was Julia, Henry’s favorite teacher from school. She may have won “best gift” award with her Mickey Mouse airplane. It was a hit with all the kids! However, they didn’t have any lack of toys to complain about.

Henry got lots of great gifts from all his friends and relatives. I’ve pictured only a few here. Perhaps the most labor intensive gift was the sweater that Cristin knit him. She’s too crafty! It’s the perfect blend of David Bowie and Henry’s birthday! It’s from the Strangers When We Meet video (I adore this song) and it has a “1” on it in honor of his birthday. Although he may not be wearing it anytime soon (it’s a tad big), at least he will not grow right out of it.

The next day we got to open more fabulous presents from Monica, and the day after that presents from Jonah and Nolan arrived. Hooray for the weeklong birthday!

(I realize that there are way too many pictures in this post and I’m sorry. But he’s my only baby and he only turns one once. If you’re a Henry junkie, you can see all of Cristin’s photos here and my photos here.)

March 6, 2009

Everything you ever wanted to know about recycling

Filed under: Household,Worm Bin — JeniQ @ 5:49 pm

I was given the opportunity to tour the Sonoco Recycling Facility in east Raleigh this past week. It was great, a good learning experience and really neat to boot.

Raleigh has switched to a “single stream” recycling program. That means that instead of sorting all your materials at the curb and putting those materials into different bins within the truck, you can mix all your items together and they get transported to the recycling facility mixed together. This is a cost-savings measure for the city of Raleigh as it means they can use less sophisticated waste pickup trucks, and the pickup crews can move faster and more efficiently. I also think that more people will be likely to recycle because now it should take less work to recycle.

The impact of comingling recycling materials is that once it arrives at the MRF (materials recovery facility), it then all must be separated. That’s what we learned about in our tour of the facility. I tried to document in pictures and videos. It is really an amazing process and watching these people in action makes me want to work harder to keep contaminants out of my recycling bin.

A few tips I learned while I was there.

  • Trash doesn’t belong in the recycling bin. There are people who have to pull it out by hand if you put trash with the recycleables in your bin.
  • Follow Raleigh’s easy-to-use list of acceptable materials when selecting items for recycling.
  • The biggest contaminate to the recycling stream are plastic clamshell packages and plastic bags, neither of which is recycleable.

Ready for our tour!

To see the pictures and video of my tour, read the rest of the article.

February 27, 2009

Last Day of School

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 10:40 am

Today is Henry’s last day in the Infant class at his school.

Before breakfast:

Ready for school:
Sharp Dressed Man

I can’t believe that he’ll be a year old on Monday! He is such a big boy. He is definitely ready to move up to the next class. He’s a bit of a terror in his current class as the next youngest child is 8 months old. I think he’s tired of hanging out with all those babies!

February 26, 2009


Filed under: Cristin,Movies — JeniQ @ 12:51 am


I Heart Sparkly Vampires

I Heart Sparkly Vampires

Saturday Cristin and I went to see Twilight. Twice. It was so super awesome. The first time we sat in the back row and drank beers and ate popcorn. The second time we sat in the front row and drank more beer and ate candy. We were totally giggly and talking and goofy, it was awesome. I’m telling ya, this is the only way to watch a movie.

Have Beer, Will Travel

Have Beer, Will Travel

Stocking up for the long haul

Stocking up for the long haul

Film Stills

Edward slinks away

Edward slinks away

Awesome Edward Grin

Awesome Edward Grin

Yay! Let’s do it again some time!

Dorky girls

Dorky girls

Oh, and my favorite scene in the movie because Edward sounds like a Muppet:

And if you haven’t seen this, it’s hilarious. Watch it. Now.

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