I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 26, 2005

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and other things that make me cry

Filed under: Uncategorized — JeniQ @ 8:38 pm

I spend a lot of time watching bad girly movies while my husband is out of town. You know the kind, romantic comedies like Miss Congeniality, Gun Shy, Kate & Leopold, Under The Tuscan Sun. I don’t know why I like watching them so much. I mean, I’m not sure I ever think “I really want to see this movie” but that’s what I grab when I’m at Blockbuster, so I guess part of me wants to see it. I think one reason is that I can’t handle tragedy or suspense, it just wrecks me hardcore. I loved Crouching Tiger, but I could never watch it a second time because I knew how tragic and depressing it would be. With these girly movies I have a guaranteed ending that I can rely on. Here’s the thing about these movies (and most movies in general) – I weep like a baby. I must like the safeness of that weeping at home alone, on the couch with no one to see me or make fun of me (though I wept when I went with the girls to see Under the Tuscan Sun and I was embarrased).

A movie that I really loved and that made me just cry throughout it (both times I watched it) was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. My brother thought the movie contrived and cliched. For me, instead, it made me remember all the hopes and dreams and wonderful memory moments you have when you first meet someone and first start dating them. Those are magical times and you should never lose them. I like to reminisce and remember the way I used to think of my husband when we first started dating – so sweet. It’s funny because I think the images we had of each other were not quite what we turned out to be. I loved his strength and confidence, that’s what I saw in him, and it turned out that when we first met he was going through some stuff and didn’t feel as confident as I imagined he was. Watching that movie made me remember all those feelings of new love and how much I treasure them, and seeing them torn away in the film made me really sad.

Why is it I weep like a baby so much? I cry at those sensitive American Express commercials. I cry when I hear acoustic guitar, especially if it’s one of those solo guys playing in a restaurant who plays Space Oddity. I cry when I hear those little human interest stories on NPR. What is up with that?

Oh, well, I’m not crying now. It’s 5 and time to go home!

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