I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

November 24, 2007

David Bowie Biography?

Filed under: David Bowie,Movies — JeniQ @ 1:43 pm

I think maybe Emma Thompson should play David Bowie in a movie about him.


P.S. I love love love Will Ferrell!


  1. Ew, omg! I thought Emma Thompson looked so haggish in this movie! GREAT movie but she makes Sybille Trelawney look like a sex-pot.

    Comment by Cristin — November 24, 2007 @ 2:31 pm

  2. Her eyes aren’t far enough apart, I think.

    (Don’t get me wrong, David Bowie is great and all that.

    His eyes do not meet the Golden Ration, is all.)

    Comment by Imperatrix — November 26, 2007 @ 8:30 pm

  3. Well, I think maybe David Bowie should play himself in a movie about him. 😀

    Comment by carrie.. — March 15, 2008 @ 10:48 pm

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