I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

December 20, 2010

Hip Baby

Filed under: Linus — JeniQ @ 11:59 pm

Linus has now undergone his fourth surgery this year. Earlier this year, we found out that his left hip was completely dislocated. Last week, a pediatric orthopedist from UNC performed a hip surgery to reduce the hip.

We were lucky in that the only repair necessary to fix the hip was an adductor tenotomy, one of the least invasive methods of getting the femur head back into the hip socket.

After one has a surgery such as Linus’s, it’s standard protocol to apply a hip spica cast. This cast places the femur head in the socket and secures it there. For developing children, this position is important because it is the presence of the femur head in the hip socket that helps the socket grow into the correct shape. That is why the hip spica cast must be applied for a significant length of time. Linus will have his cast for 3 months.

Linus did really great with the surgery. The day after, he was pretty uncomfortable and upset as he tried to move around and his body wouldn’t respond. He had just learned to crawl the week before.

Nearly a week later and he is really adjusting to his new confinement/challenge. When placed face down on the floor, he can spin around and is even managing to make a bit of backward/forward motion. I hope he’ll figure out crawling in the cast; he’ll be so much happier then.

The big question most people have is how to manage the diaper! The cast is made with an opening at the groin for a diaper. The diapering process includes a small diaper stuffed inside the diaper hole, covered by a larger diaper on the outside of the cast.

Here are some pictures from surgery and beyond.


  1. Hey Jeni,

    I got your message last night. I will definitely give you a call! I cannot imagine how upside-down things probably are at your place. I’m glad to hear Linus and you all are easing into his daily life in the cast.

    Love you all!

    Comment by Monica — December 21, 2010 @ 10:21 am

  2. These posts make me cry because I love you guys so much and, all things, considered, everything seems to have gone so well. Linus’ disposition is such a happy one and that has to make things easier. He’s all: This too shall pass. And it will. Can’t wait to see him on the other side of the cast. He’s such a perfect little man. HIP! HIP! Hoorayyy! <3

    Comment by Cristin — January 6, 2011 @ 9:36 am

  3. Jeni
    My husband and I were friends of your father’s and knew you and your brother when you lived in Elk Creek and Independence. I have been following you on your blog thanks to Will and Ele! Hope you don’t mind. I’ve been meaning to give you a shout out for quite some time but am now compelled to do so. Our daughter was born with congenital hip disorder and spent 6 mos in a spica cast so I am very experienced in cast maintenance! Her spica was a bit different – it came all the way down to her feet with a bar at the ankle joining the two legs. Talk about heavy – she weighed 20 lbs and the cast weighed 12lbs! She had her surgery at age 2 at the Shriner’s Hospital in Greenville, SC. Hip disorder is more common in girls I think. She did exceptionally well and never had any problems after the surgery. She was very active cast and all. Through the years she has done everything she wanted to do, cheer leading, soft ball, etc. She is now 30 years old and married.

    Here are my tips for cast cleaning and maintenance:
    1. I put a Kotex (max) in the opening at the groin then used a diaper over that. That seemed to keep urine away from her skin better. I also used Kotex panty liners around the top of the cast where it rubbed under her arm pits.
    2. I rubbed her cast all over and especially around the diaper area with waxed paper. That will keep moisture from getting in and deteriorating the cast material. We actually had a cast to fall apart!
    3. If the cast becomes dirty or discolored I “painted” it with white shoe polish. That made it look like new.
    4. We bought a wagon to transport her in and around the house and yard and it was her favorite mode of transportation. We beefed it up with cushions so she could sit up sort of.

    Take care and keep posting pictures of your boys. They are adorable and you and your husband are remarkable! I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t had Ed with me for emotional support and physical help. Having a child in and out of the hospital can take a toll. Hopefully we can meet you sometime when we are visiting Raleigh.

    Comment by Deborah Greer — January 17, 2011 @ 3:25 pm

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