I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 16, 2011

3 Year Old Henry

Filed under: Birthday,Henry — JeniQ @ 4:30 pm

My little baby is three! And he’s not a little baby anymore. He’s a big boy. He is getting so long and losing more of his baby fat. His stomach still sticks out farther than his chest, thank goodness.

Here are his stats:

  • Weight: 30.8#
  • Height: 36.25″

How do I describe this kid? He’s awesome. He is super smart, very sweet, obedient, funny, articulate, curious. His vocabulary is just amazing. He knows so many things, and asks tons of questions about those that he doesn’t. He can count to 10 well, and recognizes both letters and numbers. He loves to read, and be read to. He loves to kick balls and “play soccer.” He loves his little brother. He is a champ when it comes to Lego building. He has very imaginative play with his toys, and can play for an hour by himself when he’s engrossed in his creative imagination. He also loves to help me cook.

He puts his dirty laundry in the laundry basket and hangs his towel up after his bath. He brushes his teeth. He clears his dishes after dinner and asks to be excused. He goes to sleep at night with his door open and stays in his room. He’s really a good kid.

Except for all the times he isn’t, of course. He has a tendency to be whiny, stubborn, intractable, destructive, and just plain bad. But the good definitely outshines the bad in this kid.

I love him so much. I enjoy being with him so much. He is really, really terrific and I adore him. Happy birthday, little man.

1 Comment »

  1. Happy birthday, Henry! I love youuuu!

    Comment by Cristin — April 16, 2011 @ 7:47 pm

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