I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 16, 2011

1 Year Old Linus

Filed under: Birthday,Linus — JeniQ @ 1:52 pm

Linus has turned one, and what a year it has been! It is still a little surprising for Dave and I that there is not yet another surgical procedure or medical issue looming in the future. Aside from some waiting to determine if his hip dysplasia is corrected or not, he is as healthy as a kid could be.

  • Weight: 23# 3oz (60th %)
  • Height: 29.5″ (40th %)
  • Head: 18 1/8″ (40th %)

Linus is a very happy baby. As we see more signs of his personality, we are seeing a few more aspects of his emotional tempermant. He gets very angry when something he likes is taken away from him. He gets shy whenever new people are around, but in a flirty kind of way, not like he’s really scared. He seems to be pretty attached to me at the moment. He loves books and putting objects into containers. He has a great time with all his toys.

His motor skills are really developing, especially for someone who was in a cast for three months. He’s got an amazing throwing arm; he throws balls better than Henry does. And now, six weeks out of his cast, he is finally crawling on all fours!! (He has been dragging himself around, quite speedily, while he had the cast and since then.) He is also pulling up to stand on everything and crawling over everything. This morning he climbed up to the fifth stair for the first time ever!

His appetite is phenomenal; we have to cut him off because he doesn’t know when to quit. But his taste buds are not so much like Henry’s. He is a “meat and potatoes” kind of guy. He rejects almost all fruit and prefers crunchy, savory snacks. Since we don’t always have hamburger casseroles waiting in the wings, sometimes he can be a challenge to feed! He still takes a bottle in the mornings and at night. He is quite a messy boy with a sippy cup.

He is a sweet, sweet little baby and I do love him so. I am so lucky to have him in my life.

1 Comment »

  1. Gosh, I love this boy. What a gift. The pictures are adorable! Love the main one you chose. And I LOVE how dexterous his big toes are:) Happy birthday, Linus!

    Comment by Cristin — April 16, 2011 @ 7:52 pm

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