I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

June 10, 2010

Pretty Gifts

Filed under: Gifties,Linus — JeniQ @ 9:17 pm

We got lots of lovely gifts for Linus. Here are two very pretty ones!
A silver spoon from Tiffany’s, courtesy of Grant and Michelle.

A gorgeous FireKing dish with a partridge pattern in red and orange, thanks to Kristy.

And here is Henry’s silver spoon from Grant and Michelle – obviously well worn.

Blog Readers: Here’s another option for pictures, what do you think? It’s pretty much what I’ve had in the past.


  1. I like this display method better. By the time the first pic loads and you admire it, the other pics have loaded.

    Comment by Sean — June 10, 2010 @ 9:46 pm

  2. Lovely gifts! Corinne got a Tiffany spoon from her Aunt Laura and Uncle Paul. It’s got a crescent moon and stars on the handle.

    I love this idea for photos. All in line is beautiful. And I agree with Sean’s take.

    Comment by Cristin — August 2, 2010 @ 8:59 pm

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