I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Dave!

Filed under: Birthday — JeniQ @ 12:11 pm

Dave just celebrated another birthday. Happy Birthday Dave!!!

He and Henry got matching Superman pajamas.

Henry and I got Dave a Carvel ice cream cake, but through a wonderful miscommunication, Dave ended up making himself an angel food cake, too. As a pregnant wife, I think that’s awesome. 🙂

Happy birthday to my favorite person ever!

Snow Days

Filed under: Weather — JeniQ @ 11:59 am

We had a good couple of inches of snow here on Friday night, and as of Sunday it’s a pretty solid, icy pack. Fun!!!

This morning, Shannon and Steve brought Sawyer and Sullivan over and the Force’s from down the street joined us with their two kids. They brought sleds and we had a big time sledding down our now amazingly popular driveway. Our steep driveway made for some speedy sled rides, so Henry was a big gunshy after his first ride. He eventually warmed up to the idea, though, and got pretty confident with sledding down on his butt. It was really a lovely way to spend the morning!

January 28, 2010

New Office

Filed under: Decorating — JeniQ @ 8:23 am

Here’s our completed office. We had French doors installed in the room that used to be our reading/puzzle room. It makes for a nice, light and airy office. Dave got a new desk (after 15 years!) that looks very handsome in the room.

January 27, 2010

Henry’s New Room

Filed under: Decorating — JeniQ @ 10:01 pm

Over the past few months, we’ve been getting our house ready in preparation for our new little one. We’ve done a bit of a shuffle with four rooms, and are happy to report that we’re pretty much finished!

Our top priority was getting Henry’s new room ready so we could transition him into it months before the new baby arrived. Over the holidays, we moved him out of his crib/the nursery and into his new room. It took about one week to settle in, and since then we’ve had only a few problems revolving around naptime.

We’re really happy with how it turned out – it’s fun and very boyish and kind of grown-up. We got this Eric Carle bedspread and these dark brown insulating blackout curtains, and we found the dresser at a great price on Craigslist. The enormous green clock is from Target and the Ikea coffee table we used to use as a puzzle table in the old “reading room.” It makes a perfect play surface for Henry.

Isn’t it fabulous?

Christmas at Home

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 9:48 am

We had a lovely Christmas this year! We all got spoiled. Dave made his awesome beef tenderloin again – yum!

January 17, 2010

Crate / Stick

Filed under: Babies — JeniQ @ 3:39 pm

This is a special dedication to a very good friend. You know who you are.


Filed under: Gifties,Granma — admin @ 3:26 pm

I decided to try “Gangee” for Granma Q because Henry has three Granma’s and it’s what we called her when we were kids. (Does this sound familiar to you fans of Arrested Development?) It went over so-so. It was hard for Dave to remember so he called her Granma, which got confusing with Granma Jo. Anyway, we’ll keep trying.

Now let me brag about this gorgeous necklace that Granma got me. It’s made by a local Etsy artist, Polestar. Ain’t it gorgeous?

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