I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

July 29, 2009


Filed under: Farmer's Market,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 11:56 am

I’ve been seriously considering a subscription to a local CSA farm.

“Over the last 20 years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of “shares” to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a “membership” or a “subscription”) and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.” source

I’ve spoken with Edible Earthscapes and Double-T Farm. I know there are a few others out there, too. I’m wondering if anyone out there has any experience and would like to offer their feedback.

I like the idea of locally grown organic produce at a good price. I also like the challenge of cooking with the seasons. I’d feel like the Iron Chef – what’s the secret ingredient?!


Filed under: Farmer's Market,Meals & Food — JeniQ @ 7:58 am

For the past few weeks, we’ve been going to the North Hills Farmer’s Market in North Hills shopping center.

It’s really quite a nice experience with Henry. It’s much smaller than the State Farmer’s Market, with much less variety, but it more than makes up with its share of dog sightings. He is constantly entertained.

There is also usually a band (bluegrass, beach music, etc.) that is fun and entertaining for both kids and adults alike. The kids end up dancing and running around the little “grass” square and having a good ol’ time.

The stalls include more than just fruits and vegetables. You can get coffee at Starbuck’s, breakfast at Chick-fil-A, and lunch at Five Guys. There’s a guy selling Italian ice, a lovely lady selling Kettle Corn and candied nuts, and a number of bakery vendors. There are also vendors selling beef and pork and eggs. Most of the vegetable vendors seem to be “boutique” farmers, growing fewer and smaller crops, not on the same scale as the farmers at the State Farmer’s Market. Most of them offer CSA memberships, where you buy a share of the farm and then get weekly produce as a result. It’s something we’re considering but subscriptions don’t start again until January.

So we’ve been getting food on Saturdays for the week, and we’ve been eating more local food that way. Last night we had fresh pesto. Before that we had fresh green beans and fresh figs. Oh, and we’ve had the most wonderful local tomatoes – YUM!! And we went to the State Farmer’s Market this past Sunday and bought a dozen ears of corn for $5. Last night I blanched and froze about 8 cups of fresh corn for the winter.

To top it all off, we’re “cowpooling” with our neighbors. We bought a 1/2 cow from a local vet who raises a herd of cattle and we’re splitting it with our neighbors. We’ll be getting about 100 pounds of locally grown, grain- and pasture-fed, hormone- and antibiotic-free, dry-aged (2 weeks), flash frozen beef for $2.33/pound. I can’t wait!!

July 27, 2009

More Henry

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 9:40 pm

A few recent photos that are too cute, and several adorable videos.

Ready for Outside Time

Adult Sippy Cup

Studious Reader

Big Boy Snack Time

Reading time in his chair

Toes on highchair

Here is Henry in his nighttime routine. This video is about a month old,

Here he is playing on his slide, and learning to dive.

And if this isn’t the cutest, funniest thing you’ve ever seen, I don’t know what is.

July 20, 2009

Duncan is no David

Filed under: David Bowie — JeniQ @ 9:25 am

How can this really be David Bowie’s only son? He’s so…not hot. Sorry, Duncan Zowie. You just don’t have what your daddy does.

The Jones Family

Duncan Jones is a space dork

July 19, 2009

Amy Visit

Filed under: Amy,Crafty,Visitors — JeniQ @ 9:53 pm

Amy spent the weekend with us. We had a great time! Not many photos, though. Highlights include watching Fay Grim, eating chocolate chip pancakes, visiting the North Hills Farmer’s Market, cooking a terrific Pork Wellington, and seeing Kerri and Adam.

Plus, we did Duct Tape Crafts!!

Duct Tape Lunch Bags

Lunch Bags Inside

Aunt Amy and Henry

Lovely girls

Henry Photos

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 9:37 pm

An update on Henry and some recent photos. He is doing great! He is 16 months old now. He is now cutting his canine teeth, all four of them at once. That only leaves the four second molars remaining. Such a big boy!! He uses those teeth to mow down an ear of corn in no time flat. It is quite an impressive sight. (See pictures below.)
He is walking well and trying to run as much as possible. He loves to be chased around anything. He is babbling a ton, and now he’s starting to mimic words that you say. He says “ball” and “duck” and “hello” and “bye.” He is a very good eater. He eats a lot of variety and does pretty good with vegetables and proteins. He loves, loves, loves fruit! He’ll be to the doctors for his 18 month checkup soon and we’ll have more detailed updates then.

Watching planes
Watching planes

Watching planes
Watching planes

Watching ducks
Watching ducks

After his Uncle Eric’s heart
After his Uncle Eric's heart

Being bad

Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland

Corn monster
Corn Monster

Gold grill (he has corn in his teeth)
Gold Grill

Laugh riot

Cayce and Larry

Filed under: Cats,Visitors — JeniQ @ 8:49 pm

Cayce ignores rules about sitting on the counters

Cayce helps Larry type

Cleveland Photos

Filed under: Cleveland,Entertainment,Family — JeniQ @ 8:46 pm

We got to visit family in Cleveland last month. It was great to see everyone and catch up. The bonus was that my mom was able to join us for this trip. I think she had a real nice time relaxing and spending time with the extended family. Just wish our visits could be longer!
The grandkids

All photos after the break.

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center

Filed under: Animals,Cleveland — JeniQ @ 8:19 pm

While in Cleveland last month, we visited the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center. It’s a cute place, not very big, but free and fun for the kids!



Duct Tape Parade

Filed under: Entertainment — JeniQ @ 8:21 am

Catching up from June…
Photos from the Parade at the Duct Tape Festival follow the break.

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