I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

April 7, 2009

More Henry Videos

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 9:38 pm

Watch in HQ for best viewing quality.

April 4, 2009

Kazoos and Kats

Filed under: Henry — admin @ 9:43 am

Two recent Henry videos.

Henry chases cats.

Henry plays the kazoo.

April 3, 2009

Unique Me

Filed under: Personal/Health — JeniQ @ 9:24 pm

Today I visited the ENT and discovered that the two holes on the roof of my mouth are not common. He didn’t seem worried. Indeed, he was quite nonchalant about the topic, but he did say that it wasn’t normal.
So, I think a poll is in order.

Does anyone out there have some kind of corresponding anatomy?


He seemed to think that it is a congenital “problem” that might be related to a submucous cleft palate. He also thought that there should be no “communication” between my sinuses and my mouth via these holes. But I’m here to tell you that he is wrong – it’s a pathway.

April 1, 2009

All You

Filed under: Books — admin @ 9:23 pm

Ele turned me on to the hip parenting magazine Cookie, but I just recently found another magazine that I’m really excited about. It’s called All You and it’s an easy-to-read grab bag of tips and stuff.

ALL YOU is a new magazine that speaks directly to value-conscious American women like you. In each issue, you’ll get helpful articles on taking care of yourself, healthy and fast ways to feed your family, clothes you can wear and afford, do-it-yourself home repair projects, relationship advice from real women, and easy-to-make decorating ideas. And you’ll get all this in a beautiful, affordable magazine that truly speaks your language.


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