Henry had such a great day yesterday. Unfortunately, this morning he seems to be having quite a lot of teething pain – I think his molars are on the way in. He’s also had three blowouts since yesterday, probably due to either the antibiotic he’s on, the teething or both. We’ve already had to do three three loads of his laundry!
Last night we had lovely fondue for our Valentine’s dinner. It was so yummy. I love getting fed all this great food. Lindsay is a great cook and a great hostess. I enjoy being here so much because of the laidback attitude everybody has. I haven’t had my shoes on since I first got here, because we’ve just hung around the house all day long. It’s been very relaxing.
Today there’s not much more on tap other than some more good food and perhaps some more drinking. Perhaps a little hair of the dog will make my headache go away. 🙂
- Ian
- Hard at work
- Fred loves Henry
- Max and Henry
- Henry and the puppies
- Jeni and Max
- Fondue Dippers
- Lindsay and Jeni
- Fondue!
- Pickled
- It’s curtains for you!
- Fred and Henry
I love Fred!!
Comment by Cristin — February 16, 2009 @ 7:15 pm
Me too!
Comment by Lindsay — February 16, 2009 @ 11:49 pm