I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 12, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Filed under: Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:44 pm

2008 Christmas Card

January 10, 2009

10 Months Old!

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 11:09 am

Henry recently celebrated his ten month birthday!

Here’s where he is now. At his nine month checkup, he weighed 20 pounds, 13 oz and was 28″ long. His head was 17 7/8th” around. I assume he’s just gotten bigger since then. He has four teeth on the bottom and four teeth on the top, and we’re pretty sure he’s cutting more on the bottom, too.

He’s a real good eater and eats three solid food meals a day, along with a few bottles. He still nurses with me every morning, which I’m very proud of. I didn’t think that I would last this long. He does really good with solid foods and can usually eat whatever we’re having for dinner, though I try to load up his plate with vegetables and fruit. He eats the school lunch at daycare most days. He’s started a sippy cup and can drink out of it, but he spends most of his time throwing it around. Sometimes he hides his food in his high chair.

We’re pretty sure his first official word is “kitty”. He also says “da” and “ada” and “dii” but we’re not sure what those mean yet. He’s also been gurgling a lot, too, “glub glub glub.”

He takes two naps a day and sleeps from 8 PM to 6 AM, usually without incident.

He crawls fast as lightning, and pulls up on everything. He stands independently, without support, more and more frequently. He can climb a few stairs given the opportunity. He likes to give you things to hold, then take them back. He loves nesting toys and little rolling balls. He delights in peek-a-boo and giggles tremendously with “This little piggy.”  He loves bath time and has a great time playing in the water. He likes to look at himself in the mirror and stare out the window. The cats are his favorite toy, and sometimes Cayce even lets him pet him. And he really likes socks, too.

All in all, he’s just adorable and so much fun to be around. Dave and I are both so thankful that we chose to have a family. It certainly has changed the dynamic of our relationship and the way we live our life, but we think it’s worth it. He is really my little son-shine. I can’t believe he’s almost one year old!!! Mother and child

January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday David!

Filed under: Birthday,David Bowie — JeniQ @ 1:44 pm

Happy Birthday, David Bowie!

New Blog Server, say “Hello, World”

Filed under: Blogging — admin @ 12:37 am

World, say “Hello” to my new blog server. I’ve finally migrated from my old Ubuntu server to a new Windows-based blog server, hoooray! I’m really excited about this change because I think it will be much easier for me to maintain. I also hope it will be easier to use. It seems that some of the latest features of WordPress should help overcome the roadblocks I face when blogging.

There are a few changes you might want to know about. First, email from the blog is out of commission and I don’t know when it will be back. I need to install a mail server to get it to work (I think) and I haven’t had time to do so yet. Who knows when that feature will be back, but until then, please use the ‘Subscribe to Feed’ button at the top-left to subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed.

Second, my domain has changed. The blog is now found at


I’ve made this change so we can manage future projects at the root URL. Right now, however, if you go directly to www.iheartdavids.com, you will be redirected to the blog.

Please update your blogroll if you’re linking to me.

Thirdly, all of my permalinks are broken and I just can’t figure out how to fix it. This means that any links you had to my blog that looked like this:


will no longer work. My blog posts will, unfortunately, be linked only by their post numbers, like this:


Lames, I realize, but as I say, I haven’t found a fix that works. Let me know if you have any ideas. I’d love to implement a fix at a future date.

There have been a few cosmetic changes and will likely be more in the future. Otherwise, I think that’s it. Please let me know if you find any errors. Thanks for reading and keep those comments coming!



Henry’s First Christmas

Filed under: Family,Holidays — JeniQ @ 12:00 am

Spent in Virginia Beach with his great-grandmother, his grandmother Jo, and Mommy and Daddy.

Christmas morning with Gangee and Granma Jo

Family Christmas sign

Playing with new table

Opening gifts of alcohol

Mostly interested in bows, though

It was so wonderful to spend Christmas with Granma. Many were spent with her when I was a kid so it was great to get to share this fun time with both Henry and her. Henry loved her gifts and loved spending time with his Gangee!

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