I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

January 24, 2009

Stair Climber

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 5:12 pm

No, not that kind of stair climber. This kind.

Snowy Day

Filed under: Henry,Weather — JeniQ @ 4:51 pm

Recently we had a rare snowfall. It snowed 4-6″ inches and we had drifts higher than that. It was so fabulous and beautiful. Almost makes you wish it snowed here more often.

Henry had the perfect opportunity to wear the snowsuit his Aunt Monica gave to him.

Unsure about the snow

Making a snow angel

Snow Angel

He didn’t really enjoy his excursion outside. He liked it better when the snow came inside.

New pictures

Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 4:47 pm

Just a few new pictures. Click on each picture to see a larger view.

My Very Bowie Christmas

Filed under: David Bowie,Gifties — JeniQ @ 4:02 pm

My husband is so awesome, but y’all already know that. This Christmas he gave me a plethora of David Bowie items.

First I got Hugo Wilcken’s Low: 33 1/3. I am very eager to read this!

Low 33 and a third

Then he got me the Criterion Collection of The Man Who Fell To Earth. I have been wanting and coveting this disc since Cristin got hers. Now I’ve got mine!!!

Criterion Collection

Last but certainly not least, he got me this fabulous Heddon Street wall calendar. It’s very spot-on because of my trek to Heddon Street the last time I was in London. It’s all the alternate shots that were taken the night they took the photograph that wound up on the cover of “The Rise and Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.”

Calendar back cover

It includes David’s birthday clearly marked on January 8th!
Mr. Bowie's Birthday!

And best of all, it’s not for sale in the states! Please don’t send my hubby to jail! 🙂
Do not sell in the US!


Filed under: Babies,Gifties — JeniQ @ 3:36 pm

I got on it today and finished a crafty project I’d been neglecting – baby bracelets.

baby bracelets

I got new beads in the middle of the day so I had new colors to play with for some of the bracelets.

January 23, 2009

Buy, Buy Baby

Filed under: Babies,Books — admin @ 6:10 pm

Have a baby or two? Maybe considering acquiring one? Or maybe you just know someone who has a baby that you really like and care about. If you are any of these people, I can’t strongly enough recommend this book:
Buy, Buy Baby

Buy, Buy Baby – Susan Gregory Thomas

You may recognize Thomas from a recent article in Cookie magazine or from her other reporting work. Here’s a description of the book from the publisher’s website:

“An investigative journalist examines how marketers exploit infants and toddlers and the broad, often shocking impact of that exploitation on our society
It’s no secret that toy and media corporations manipulate the insecurities of parents to move their products, but Buy, Buy Baby unveils the chilling fact that these corporations are using — and often funding — the latest research in child development to sell directly to babies and toddlers. Susan Gregory Thomas offers even more unnerving epiphanies: the lack of evidence that “educational” shows and toys provide any educational benefit at all for young children and the growing evidence that some of these products actually impair early development and could harm our kids socially and cognitively for life.

Underlying these revelations is a dangerous economic and cultural shift: our kids are becoming consumers at alarmingly young ages and suffering all the ills that rampant materialism used to visit only on adults — from anxiety to hypercompetitiveness to depression.

Thomas blends prodigious reportage with an empathetic voice. Her two daughters were toddlers while she wrote this book, and she never loses sight of the temporal and emotional challenges that parents face. She shows how we can help our kids live at their natural pace, not the frenetic clip that serves only the toddler-industrial complex. Buy, Buy Baby helps us fight the power marketers wield by exposing the false fears they spread.”

Go get this book and read it. My copy will be back at the library in about a week.

January 20, 2009

Henry’s First Christmas at Home

Filed under: Henry,Holidays — JeniQ @ 7:53 pm

We celebrated Christmas again after we got home from Granma’s. It was a beautiful tree full of presents! So much for restraining ourselves this year.

We started with Henry’s stocking, which Granma made for him. Isn’t it cute? It was filled with a few of his toys and some clementines. He was not enthusiastic. Perhaps next year.
Opening stocking

Then we got into the serious business of opening presents. Luckily, we had help.
Helpfully opening things

A fun gift from the T’s, this puppy handpuppet was promptly given the name of “Falkor.”
Hello. My name is Falcor.

Monica’s gift to us included these handmade gift tags featuring our very likeness!
Handmade gift tags

And his gift from his cousins was this little Taggie blanket, a perfect gift for my little tag-chewer.
Loves his Taggie

Henry was helpful, all the while, creating chaos and destruction.
Typhoon of destruction

So we eventually put him in his crate so we could finish opening all the presents.
Crate - Stick

The end result? A huge mess and some tired cats!
Disaster Area

January 16, 2009


Filed under: Henry — JeniQ @ 11:49 pm

I decided to wean Henry this week. We were down to only one nursing a day, in the mornings, and I’d been feeding him a real breakfast afterwards anyways. I just decided I was tired of having to get up at 6 AM everyday without a break. It was also starting to feel more uncomfortable. (He’s got eight teeth now and seems to be cutting more.) He’s been eating more and more solids and he’s doing really well with the sippy cup so it seemed like a good time.

So, one day this week I got him out of his crib, changed him and then brought him right downstairs for breakfast rather than nursing him. He did just fine. It’s been three days now and I feel good. I was glad that I made the decision without being under pressure or duress. I’m a little sad that it’s over, but overall I’ve achieved more than I thought I would in this arena.

just born

January 14, 2009

Christmas Eve at the Virginia Aquarium

Filed under: Animals,Travel — JeniQ @ 9:19 pm

On Christmas Eve we went to the Virginia Aquarium. When I was in college, it was called the Virginia Marine Science Museum and I worked there every summer as part of my Bonner Scholar work requirements.

I loved being there. I love the fishes and the wildlife. And I was nearly brought to tears in a fit of sentimentality when I saw Henry gazing with wonder into the tanks. I really hope to pass on my love of science and fishes to the little guy.

Here he is getting eaten by a shark. Doesn’t he look surprised?
Eaten by a shark

These egrets, along with a host of other interesting birds, were in the aviary.
Bird about to be...

...in flight!

At the Norfolk Canyon tank, taking in the sharks.
Watching sharks with Mommy

Watching the giant sea turtles with Daddy. I think we could have sat there all day.
Father and son watch the sea turtles

Walking to the South Building.
The boardwalk at the Virginia Aquarium

In the Marsh Pavilion we found this fun stuffed otter. The real ones were all asleep in a pile, so they weren’t that much fun to look at.
Should I otter touch that, Mommy?

After a hard day of sitting in his stroller and being carried, Henry needed a breather. The kids play area was perfect!
Playing in the kids area

Our best find of the day, however, was a stuffed “turkey buzzard,” which is what his Granma Jo calls him all the time. Must get photo!

Hank the Tank

Filed under: Cristin,Gifties,Henry — JeniQ @ 8:40 pm

Cristin made Henry this Hank the Tank shirt. He was kind enough to model it.


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