I [heart] Davids It helps me to say these things aloud, I think.

December 1, 2008

Adorable Henry Photos

Filed under: Henry,Holidays,Travel — JeniQ @ 10:14 am

Five teefs

Granpy and Henry

Unky Eric, Henry and Dave


Granma and Henry

Monkey see, monkey do

We had a great time in Cleveland this past week. Leslie’s wedding was gorgeous and beautiful and made me cry, and the reception was a blast. Unfortunately, I had no camera so no photos to show of the handsome couple.

We wound up our week of fun with the drive back home on Sunday. We left Stow at 11:30 AM and got home at 12:30 AM. That’s right, folks, a thirteen hour trip. It should have been about an eight hour drive but we had to stop for Henro multiple times and the traffic was awful. We ended up getting off the highway and taking backroads through some of West Virginia and most of Virginia and Carolina. But we did eventually make it home, safe and sound!


  1. The photo of Henry and his Gma: My mind flew immediately to future proud Henry with his first girlfriend. Look at that casanova grin!

    Comment by Cristin — December 1, 2008 @ 2:56 pm

  2. I like how he’s leaning in to her. 🙂

    Comment by admin — December 1, 2008 @ 4:31 pm

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